Last Updated: Tuesday, 10 January 2017, 15:00 GMT


IRIN's principal role is to provide news and analysis about sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia for the humanitarian community. The networks target decision-makers in relief agencies, host and donor governments, human-rights organisations, humanitarian advocacy groups, academic institutions and the media.  Website:
Selected filters: Extrajudicial executions
Showing 1-10 of 39 results
Screening for Islamic State in Iraq: an inexact science

10 November 2016 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

How Kenya's al-Shabab amnesty is a loaded gun

31 August 2016 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

Iraq's mystery murders

24 August 2015 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

Violence, arrests and mistrust ahead of Burundi polls

16 January 2015 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

Omar Farooq, Iraq: "It is like the fire is getting closer"

28 October 2013 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

Torture, beatings and death for detained Malians

15 April 2013 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

Challenges ahead of Myanmar's first census in 30 years

8 March 2013 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

How justice works in Pakistan's tribal areas and beyond

20 February 2013 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

Killings, disappearances in Mali's climate of suspicion

31 January 2013 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

Pakistan: Growing risks for aid workers

7 January 2013 | Publisher: IRIN | Document type: Country News

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