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Showing 1-2 of 2 results
India: 1. Please provide an update on relocating to New Delhi, and the general acceptance of gay men there. 2. Please provide information on MASI/HIJDA/Hijra and their interplay (if any) with gay communities. 3. Please provide information on relocating to Bangalore for someone who has IT qualifications.

20 January 2012 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

India: 1. What would community reaction be in the Punjab to the birth of a child out of wedlock resulting from an affair between a teacher and student? 2. Would a teacher be dismissed in Punjab for having an affair with a student? 3. Would police turn a blind eye to community violence in these kinds of circumstances?

12 November 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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