
Christian community welcomes Syrian family to Canada

A Hutterite community in Manitoba finds common ground and strong friendship with the Syrian refugee family they helped to resettle.

10 Jan 2017

Refugee given second chance in Canada helps Syrian family to safety

Given the opportunity to start over in Toronto, Thuy Nguyen pledged to return the favour one day. Now, she is helping the Nouman family from Syria begin a new life.

3 Jan 2017

Palestinian's month-long airport limbo has happy ending

Refugee was forced to spend weeks shuttling between terminals in Moscow, Khartoum, Dubai and Havana after a series of countries all refused to admit him.

30 Dec 2016

Syrian family find safe harbour on the shores of Canada

In the port town of Lunenburg, generous locals have come together to welcome a Syrian family with open arms.

28 Dec 2016

Syrian refugee uses swimming skills to rescue others

Swimmers Sarah and Yusra Mardini helped save 18 fellow refugees when their boat broke down off Greece. Now Sarah volunteers as a lifeguard in the same waters.

27 Dec 2016

Warmth and kindness in the Canadian wilderness

The Arafat family were terrified when they fled their home in Syria. Now they are finding new hope and happiness in a Canadian mountain community.

22 Dec 2016

Austrian housing project keeps refugees' hopes alive

Some call her a secular saint, but Ute Bock says it is simple humanity that has motivated her to care for people seeking safety.

21 Dec 2016

Syrian violinist helps Canadian community hear his song

Sari Alesh's promising music career was cut short by war. With the help of sponsors, the violinist can now play once more.

19 Dec 2016

Syrian seamstress becomes a part of community fabric

With the help of sponsors, Rabiaa Al Soufi's skills have become a valued part of one tight-knit community in Nova Scotia, Canada.

15 Dec 2016