Last Updated: Friday, 01 November 2019, 13:47 GMT

Forum 18

Forum 18 is an organization that promotes the implementation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and concentrates upon gross and open breaches of religious freedom, especially situations where the lives of individuals or groups are threatened, and where the right to gather based upon belief is threatened.  Website:
Showing 41-50 of 81 results
Tajikstan: "My police shave me"

6 May 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Russia: Jailed for exercising freedom of religion or belief in public

1 May 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kazakhstan: Baptist facing three years jail for breaking state censorship?

17 April 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Uzbekistan: "She fears police brutality during interrogation and administrative arrest"

14 April 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Azerbaijan: Nakhichevan detentions without trial, beatings and attempted kidnapping

16 February 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Uzbekistan: Detention, fine, literature confiscation was "hospitality we got for bringing mandarins"

11 February 2015 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kazakhstan: One three-year jail term, 5 or 25 more to follow?

12 December 2014 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Azerbaijan: 200 Nakhichevan Muslims arrested, 50 still detained, 50 mosques closed

4 December 2014 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Azerbaijan: 200 Nakhichevan Muslims arrested, 50 still detained, 50 mosques closed

4 December 2014 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

Kyrgyzstan: "A fabricated case" states Judge, but women still under arrest

13 November 2014 | Publisher: Forum 18 | Document type: Country News

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