
Yazidi women welcomed back to the faith

Religious leaders break with tradition, letting women and girls rejoin the Yazidi community after surviving abduction, forced conversion and rape.

15 Jun 2015

Four Generations on the Run

Foibe has spent half her life in exile. Now a refugee for the fourth time, the 60-year-old grandmother wonders if she can ever go home again.

11 Jun 2015

The Bullet Inside

At any moment, the bullet lodged in his pelvis could stop Ali dead in his tracks. It also keeps him moving, in search of a doctor to save his life.

10 Jun 2015

Kristin Davis meets Fiona

Actress Kristin Davis travelled to Uganda to meet refugees from South Sudan. She visited Rhino Base Camp settlement, Nguara in northern Uganda

4 Jun 2015

A New Home and a Helping Hand

After fleeing violence in the Central African Republic, Jacob's family find a new home in Chad, where generous locals have greeted them warmly.

3 Jun 2015

Kristin Davis in Uganda and DRC

Jun 2015

A Syrian family counts its blessings

Heba's husband was kidnapped five times. Her children's school was bombed. Now safe in Lebanon, they cherish fading memories of home.

1 Jun 2015

Little Omar flies to Finland

Born with a rare hormone deficiency, Omar's treatment stopped when his family fled Syria. Resettlement is his only hope to start growing again.

27 May 2015

Nepal Earthquake Survivors Look to the Future

The earthquake in April disrupted the lives and livelihoods of millions. Meet six dynamos who are helping their country pick up the pieces.

26 May 2015