Réponse Régionale à la crise des Réfugiés en République centrafricaine
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Central African Republic

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UN aid wing cites ‘deep concern’ at surge in attacks on relief workers in Central African Republic
UN news service, 03/01/2017
29 December 2016 – The United Nations relief wing today voiced deep concern at the resurgence of attacks against humanitarian workers in crisis-gripped Central African Republic (CAR). According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the African country, there were 336 attacks against humanitarian workers in 2016, 56.8 per cent of them robberies and burglaries. Five humanitarian workers were killed in 2016 in the line of duty, and according to OCHA Bureau Chief Joseph Inganji, a total of 24 have been killed since 2013. These attacks occur as humanitarian crises multiply in several prefectures with an alarming increase in the number of displaced. “Humanitarian action has no other purpose than to save lives […] tackling the humanitarian community is tantamount to attacking the most vulnerable populations, those who need often vital assistance,...
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Centrafrique: les victimes présumées d'abus sexuels ont identifié 41 Casques bleus, selon l'enquête de l'ONU
UN News Centre, 05/12/2016
5 décembre 2016 – Les victimes présumées d'actes d'exploitation et d'abus sexuels commis par des soldats de la paix des contingents burundais et gabonais déployés à Dekoa, dans la préfecture de Kemo, en République centrafricaine, ont identifié 41 Casques bleus, selon l'enquête menée par le Bureau des services de contrôle interne des Nations Unies (BSCI). Le BSCI a mené des enquêtes conjointes avec des enquêteurs nationaux burundais et gabonais depuis avril 2016 sur ces allégations liées à des incidents remontant à 2014 et 2015. « Les enquêteurs se sont surtout appuyés sur les témoignages de victimes et témoins présumés, étant donné l'absence de preuves médicales, médico-légales ou autres. Cela était dû au fait que la majorité des allégations faisaient référence à des incidents survenus il y un an ou plus », a dit le porte-parole du Secrétai...
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Note to Correspondents on the investigations into allegations ‎of sexual exploitation and abuse against peacekeepers deployed in the Central African Republic
United Nations, 05/12/2016
The Office of Internal Oversight Services has concluded its investigative process on the allegations ‎of sexual exploitation and abuse against Burundian and Gabonese contingents deployed in Dekoa, Kemo prefecture, in the Central African Republic. These allegations referred to incidents between 2014 and 2015. OIOS has conducted joint investigations with Burundian and Gabonese national investigative officers. Investigations started in April 2016, a few days after the allegations were brought to the attention of the United Nations and lasted for more than four months. The investigators relied primarily on the testimony of possible victims and witnesses given the lack of medical, forensic or any other physical evidence. This was due to the fact that the majority of the allegations referred to incidents that took place a year or more earlier. Everyone who came forward with claims, both ...
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Central African Republic: Civilians Killed During Clashes
Human Rights Watch, 05/12/2016
(Nairobi) – Serious fighting in the Central African Republic in late November 2016 between two Seleka groups left at least 14 civilians dead and 76 wounded, Human Rights Watch said today. Armed groups appear to have deliberately targeted five of the civilians killed during the main clashes in the central town of Bria between November 21 and 23, and nine others in the ensuing days. Three other civilians are missing and presumed dead. The civilian deaths, which occurred during the most serious violence between Seleka groups since the Seleka fractured in 2014, highlight the need for United Nations peacekeepers deployed in the Central African Republic to exercise their mandate and use force to protect civilians. “The rising violence in the central regions between Seleka factions is having a predictably grave impact on civilians,” said Lewis Mudge, Africa researcher at Human Right...
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La Stratégie nationale pour la réforme du Secteur de la Sécurité en confection progressive
MINUSCA, 03/12/2016
Le 2 décembre 2016, les différentes parties prenantes à la rédaction de la Stratégie de la réforme du secteur de la sécurité, à savoir les Ministères de la Défense, de la Justice, des Finances, de la Sécurité et des Eaux et Forêts, l’Assemblée nationale et l’Unité RSS de la MINUSCA, réunis au siège de la MINUSCA à Bangui, ont, une nouvelle fois, planché sur l’état dudit secteur, les différents problèmes identifiés et les actions recommandées. En introduisant les présentations, Carole Baudoin, Cheffe de l’Unité de la Réforme du Secteur de la Sécurité (RSS) à la MINUSCA, a indiqué qu’il s’agissait d’un exercice de relecture avant que le document en confection ne passe devant un comité technique désigné pour les ultimes appréciations avant validation. Mamadou Toure de l’Unité RSS de la MINUSCA a eu la responsabilité des deux prése...
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World Bank Group Approves a $20 Million Grant to CAR within a First State Consolidation Development Program
The World Bank, 01/12/2016
WASHINGTON, December 1st , 2016 —The Executive Board of the World Bank Group discussed today a First State Consolidation Development Program (SCDP) for CAR to support the country’s development agenda for the next five years (2016-2021) and approved a $20 million budget support grant for the reestablishment of basic fiscal management and transparency as well as economic recovery. The SCDP seeks to increase fiscal revenue, improve wage bill management, and increase budget control and transparency, and to support a pro-poor, post-transition reform agenda that reinvigorates drivers of economic growth in critical sectors, including transport, agriculture, forestry, and telecommunications/ICT. The proposed reform areas represent a selective approach to a gradual and scalable reengagement in the current post-conflict environment. It has been designed to target a number of selective, yet ...
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L’accès alimentaire limité par les effets des tensions intercommunautaires persistantes, novembre 2016
Famine Early Warning Systems Network, 30/11/2016
Key Messages - Les tensions intercommunautaires continuent de perturber l’accès aux besoins alimentaires et aux principaux moyens d’existence pour les ménages déplacés qui sont estimés à 384.884 personnes par OCHA au 30 septembre. Pour la plupart de ces ménages, on s’attend à une soudure un à deux mois plus tôt à partir de mars et plus dure que d’habitude. - Les activités maraichères sont aux stades de préparation des terres et de distribution des semences aux ménages pauvres dans les zones affectées par le conflit. Toutefois, on observe un retard dans la distribution des semences pour la contre-saison qui ne touche que 7 600 ménages sur 25 000 ménages prévus, traduisant des perspectives de baisse des superficies et de la production attendue. - D’après le mVAM de septembre 2016, le fonctionnement des marchés reste globalement perturbé à cause de ...
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Central African Republic: Preventing a New Attempt at Destabilisation
International Crisis Group, 06/12/2016
As the donor conference for the Central African Republic (CAR) takes place in Brussels on 17 November, the post-election status quo is increasingly fragile. The stalemate blocking negotiations on the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) of armed groups has raised tensions which could result in renewed destabilisation. Grievances of the parties in CAR’s crisis are growing in a context of heightened vulnerability: the dry season is approaching, the French military mission Sangaris officially ended on 31 October and the UN peacekeeping mission (MINUSCA) shows continued weaknesses. End of the Status Quo on the Ground as UN Mission Is Put to the Test Since taking office in March 2016, President Faustin-Archange Touadéra has engaged in dialogue with the ex-Seleka (a coalition of armed groups mainly from the north east) and anti-balaka self-defence militia to try to stri...
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CAR: 'We do not understand this war'
Jesuit Refugee Service, 29/11/2016
Batouri, 29 November 2016 - "I still do not know why the war is going on in our country, the Central African Republic," says Haman, a refugee from CAR living in the Ketté area, Eastern Cameroon. Haman lives in the little town of Boubara with his wife and five sons. Haman is originally from the area of Berberati, close to the border with Cameroon. He had a quiet life and worked as a diamond miner in Carnot. He also took care of cattle including cows, goats and sheep as most of his countrymen did. One day in 2006, he lost everything when a group of bandits – connected with the rebellion which grew out of the military coup of 2003 - came to the mine where he was working. They killed several people and stole everything they could. "These bandits are called zargina or road cutters (coupeurs des routes). They emanate hatred and mistrust because they are part of the community and...
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Déclaration du Porte-Parole sur les violences récentes en République centrafricaine (30/11/2016)
European Commission, 01/12/2016
Bruxelles, 30/11/2016 Statements by the Spokesperson Les violences récentes en République centrafricaine ont provoqué plus de 80 morts à Bria. L'Union européenne adresse ses condoléances aux familles et proches des victimes. Ces exactions comportent de graves risques pour la reconstruction et la stabilité du pays à un moment clé pour le relèvement de la RCA. L'Union européenne demande à tous les responsables des groupes armés impliqués ainsi qu'à leurs partisans de s'abstenir de tout acte de violence et de résoudre leurs désaccords pacifiquement. La grande mobilisation à la Conférence de Bruxelles pour la RCA, organisée récemment, a démontré la détermination de la communauté internationale à accompagner le gouvernement et la population centrafricaine vers la stabilisation et la reconstruction. Toutefois, pour réussir, l'engagement de tous les acteurs ...
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