In 2016, H&M Foundation selected UNHCR to be the beneficiary of its in store holiday campaign, to help refugee children receive the school supplies they need to go to school. For every H&M gift card sold from 3 November until 31 December 2016, H&M Foundation will make a donation to help UNHCR provide school supplies for refugee children in countries around the world, including Ethiopia, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Sudan and Syria.

Supplies for these children are absolutely vital. In many locations, refugees are required to fund or contribute to the costs of learning materials. H&M Foundation’s support will help us fund these supplies which ensure that children can get the most out of the classroom experience, and which in many cases can make the difference between children joining or not joining school.  

The campaign will run in some 4,000 H&M stores in 47 markets worldwide, engaging H&M employees and customers to support refugee children with a variety of school supplies including textbooks, learning material and special education services and support for children living with disabilities. 

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