API Documentation
REST API Resources
Instances are versions of the application that are currently deployed.
Resource | Description |
GET instances/list | Returns all instances that are currently deployed in a production environment. |
GET instances/show/:id | Retrieves the information for the instance represented by the given id. |
Resource | Description |
GET countries/list | Returns a list of names of countries and the country code |
GET countries/regions | Returns a list of geographic regions and their countries |
GET countries/show/:id | Retrieves region information of all countries from the instance id. |
Resource | Description |
GET regions/show/:id | Retrieves settlement information of all regions from the instance id. |
These methods allow you to get information about populations in an application.
Resource | Description |
GET population/regional/:instance_id | Returns population data for a specified instance or all instances |
GET population/countries/:instance_id | Returns population data for all countries in a specified instance or all instances |
GET population/regions/:instance_id | Returns population data for all regions in a specified instance or all instances |
GET population/settlements/:instance_id | Returns population data for all settlements in a specified instance or all instances |
GET population/search | Returns population data based on instance id, population level and name of population level |
GET population/search_all_instances | Returns population data from any instance that matches the name value |
Documents are any type of file (pdf, jpeg, doc, etc.) that has been uploaded to an instance.
Resource | Description |
GET documents/countries | Returns all countries (from all instances) that have uploaded documents |
GET documents/documents/:country_code | Retrieves uploaded documents for a country or all countries |
Who's Doing What Where
These methods allow you to get information who's doing what where.
Resource | Description |
GET whos_doing_what_where/regional/:instance_id | Returns who's doing what where data for a specified instance or all instances |
GET whos_doing_what_where/countries/:instance_id | Returns who's doing what where data for all countries in a specified instance or all instances |
GET whos_doing_what_where/regions/:instance_id | Returns who's doing what where data for all regions in a specified instance or all instances |
GET whos_doing_what_where/settlements/:instance_id | Returns who's doing what where data for all settlements in a specified instance or all instances |
These methods allow you to get population statistics reference data.
Resource | Description |
GET stats/country_of_residence | Returns a list of countries of residence |
GET stats/origin | Returns a list of origins |
GET stats/country_of_asylum | Returns a list of countries of asylum |
GET stats/persons_of_concern | Returns statistics for persons of concern |
GET stats/time_series | Returns statistics for time series persons of concern |
GET stats/demographics | Returns statistics for demographics of persons of concern |
GET stats/asylum_seekers | Returns statistics for asylum seekers of persons of concern |
GET stats/time_series_population_types | Returns time series' population types |
GET stats/time_series_years | Returns time series' year |
GET stats/time_series_all_years | Returns statistics for time series data for all years |
GET stats/mediterranean/countries | Returns a list of mediterranean countries |
GET stats/mediterranean/monthly_arrivals_by_country | Returns a list of arrivals by country |
GET stats/mediterranean/monthly_arrivals_by_location | Returns a list of arrivals by location |
GET stats/mediterranean/arrivals_by_year | Returns a list arrivals by year |
GET stats/mediterranean/origin | Returns a list of origin and asylum countries |
GET stats/mediterranean/demographics | Returns demographics related to Mediterranean countries (men, women, children) |
GET stats/mediterranean/deaths | Returns a list of deaths by year |