Gap (RBM term)
A gap is the difference between the current situation (baseline) and the standard. It represents actual needs within specific objectives.
Gender-related persecution
Persecution that targets or disproportionately affects a particular gender. Under certain factual circumstances, gender- related persecution may come within the refugee definition.
Goal (RBM term)
A desired overall result to be achieved through UNHCR’s engagement with a specific population planning group.
Group-based protection responses
Approaches whereby the protection and assistance needs of refugees are met without previously determining their status on an individual basis. Appropriate where asylum-seekers arrive en masse and individualized procedures are neither feasible nor necessary (the cause of flight often being self-evident). The two main approaches are recognition of refugee status on a prima facie basis and temporary protection.
Groups with specific needs
Individuals, families or groups requiring additional support in order to enable them to overcome the challenges they face in accessing and enjoying their rights.