New publication: Innovation Quarterly | Issue 3

Download the lifelong learning issue of Innovation Quarterly to read about how UNHCR is incorporating innovation into its response strategy, and other great stories about humanitarian innovation.

The articles featured in the new issue of Innovation Quarterly include:

Page 6 | The secret to innovation in learning: The humanitarian field is in special need of professionals who take lifelong learning to heart. It is they who must be flexible and open-minded, versatile, and creativeIn this sector, people cannot only be smart and informed; they must be adaptable and innovative too.

Page 10 | 10 reasons you should be an Innovation Fellow: UNHCR’s Valentina Duque gives you a deep dive into the Innovation Fellowship and ten reasons you should apply for the next cohort.

Page 14 | Facilitating innovation at the Assosa Sub-Country Office:  An overview of how UNHCR Ethiopia is incentivizing staff to use new innovation tools and techniques in the field.

Page 20 | The Innovation Quiz: Do you think you’re an expert in humanitarian innovation? Put your knowledge to the test with this True and False Innovation quiz.



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