Syrian centenarian dreams of European reunion with family

Great-grandmother Eida Karmi doubted she would see her family again after they fled their homeland. Now in Greece, she is determined to join them.

19 Dec 2016

UNHCR chief visits Cameroon refugee camp and launches appeal

Filippo Grandi meets with Nigerian refugees driven from their homes by Boko Haram violence, and later presents funding appeal that aims to help them.

16 Dec 2016

Driven by hunger, Iraqis risk all to flee Mosul violence

Lacking food and medical care, families from the town of Hawiga are braving minefields on foot to reach safety in UNHCR camp.

16 Dec 2016

Cash aid empowers refugees and boosts Lebanese economy

Syrian refugees say cash-based aid programme gives them greater financial control and dignity, while local businesses report increased revenues.

16 Dec 2016

Conflict pushes displaced Yemenis to the brink

UNHCR warns millions of displaced Yemenis face "humanitarian catastrophe" as 21 months of war deepen hunger, poverty and suffering.

14 Dec 2016

UNHCR chief promotes a return to self-sufficiency in Chad

During a visit to Lake Chad, Filippo Grandi highlights livelihood programmes to help refugees and others displaced by insurgency to support themselves.

14 Dec 2016

East Aleppo residents tell of horror, cold and hunger

As they find safety in west Aleppo, displaced residents from the devastated east of the city describe the violence and shortages that led them to run for their lives.

14 Dec 2016

Photographer's injuries boosted resolve to tell refugee tales

Celebrated photojournalist Giles Duley explains how his disability helped him portray others with more dignity.

13 Dec 2016

UN refugee chief praises Niger's help for refugees

Filippo Grandi says Niger sets a strong example through its hospitality for people fleeing conflict in Mali and Nigeria.

13 Dec 2016