Operation: Mauritania
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2017 planning figures | |
100% | of Malian refugees in Mbera camp will be provided with identification documents delivered jointly by the authorities and UNHCR |
100% | of SGBV survivors will receive appropriate medical and/or psychosocial support |
21,000 | people of concern in Mbera camp will receive semi-durable shelters |
1,500 | people of concern targeted will benefit from assistance to undertake income-generating activities in Mbera camp |
2015 end-year results | |
100% | refugees with specific needs in Mauritania received appropriate support |
350 | adults benefited from literacy/numeracy training in Mbera camp |
14,000 | women in Mebra camp received sanitary kits |
3,400 | people in Mbera camp benefited from assistance to undertake income-generating activities, including in small shops, butcheries, tailor workshops, etc. |
30 | liters per person per day was made available in Mbera camp |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Increase in
2015 | 77,891 |
2014 | 76,048 |
2013 | 93,612 |

[["Refugees",51394],["Refugee-like situation",26000],["Asylum-seekers",497]]
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Budgets and Expenditure for Mauritania
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Working environment
By the end of 2016, some 44,000 refugees and asylum-seekers will be hosted in Mauritania, mainly in Mbera camp, in the south-east of the country, and in urban areas. Most refugees in the camp fled after 2012 from northern Mali, where the security situation remains volatile with regular clashes between armed groups, terrorist attacks and recurrent banditry. In this context, organized voluntary repatriation is not foreseen in the near future.Since the beginning of the crisis, living conditions in Mbera camp have significantly improved in all sectors, including protection, health, nutrition and water and sanitation. The Government of Mauritania provided a large tract of land in 2012 to host the thousands of refugees from northern Mali. Since then, the host country ensures security inside and outside the camp for refugees and for humanitarian staff. The host population around Mbera camp continues to share its scarce resources, including water and firewood, with the refugee community.
Key Priorities
In 2017, UNHCR's operation will focus on:• Supporting the Mauritanian authorities in improving its legal framework and practices related to asylum;
• Maintaining essential protection and services for all refugees in Mbera camp;
• Strengthening refugees’ self-reliance in Mauritania to gradually reduce their dependency on humanitarian assistance;
• Supporting peaceful coexistence between the refugee and host communities
Lack of funding will severely affect UNHCR’s capacity to conduct self-reliance and livelihood support interventions. For example, it will limit the number of funded income-generation schemes as well as the number of vocational training programmes.