Operation: Mali
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2017 planning figures | |
1,000 | Mauritanian refugees will have identity documents issued |
98% | of primary school-age Mauritanian refugee children will be enrolled in primary education |
95% | of returnees will have their national rights re-established |
90% | of returnee households will have their basic needs met with multipurpose cash grants or vouchers |
60% | of urban refugees with disabilities will receive services for their specific needs |
2015 end-year results | |
3,500 | Malian refugees who spontaneously returned in the regions of Gao, Tombouctou and Mopti received cash assistance to establish livelihood projects in agriculture, livestock and microfinance |
9 | classrooms were rehabilitated (including toilets and water taps), in addition to some 1,200 houses constructed and some 20 water wells built as part of UNHCR community-based reintegration projects implemented in 16 priority areas of return in the north of Mali with the objective to foster peaceful coexistence between returnees and local communities. |
13,000 | Mauritanian refugees were registered by UNHCR as part of a successful verification exercise |
170 | cases of sexual and gender-based violence were identified, amongst which 45 survivors were referred to health services, and some 160 were provided with psychosocial counseling |
Latest Updates
September-November 2016
People of Concern
Decrease in
2015 | 135,816 |
2014 | 291,615 |
2013 | 325,965 |

[["Refugees",15917],["Asylum-seekers",340],["IDPs",61920],["Returned IDPs",53551],["Returned refugees",4088]]
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Budgets and Expenditure for Mali
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Working environment
With the slow implementation of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, signed in June 2015, the ongoing threats of terrorism and criminality continue to hinder humanitarian access to people of concern in the north and necessitate specific risk-reduction measures for UNHCR personnel on missions in the field. The risk of renewed intercommunal violence also remains high, with the potential to impact voluntary returns of Malian refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs). Despite the volatile security situation, Mali continues to welcome asylum-seekers and refugees from other countries. The Government of Mali remains in favour of the naturalization and integration of long-staying refugee populations, notably Mauritanian refugees. This is expected to reduce the number of refugees in the country by 2017.Key Priorities
In 2017, UNHCR will focus on:• facilitating durable solutions for refugees in protracted situations by promoting access to socio-economic integration, legal documentation and naturalization;
• assisting urban refugees and asylum-seekers through cash-based interventions (CBIs), improved documentation, education and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention;
• supporting preparations for the voluntary and sustainable return of Malian refugees and IDPs. including by planning activities in the areas of CBIs, self-reliance, SGBV prevention, documentation, protection monitoring and peaceful coexistence;
• identifying stateless people and people at risk of statelessness, and supporting the Government to revise laws in order to prevent and reduce statelessness in Mali.
Should there is a decrease in budget for UNHCR’s operation in Mali, this will have a negative impact on people of concern to the Office, particularly Malian returnees who will not be able to be provided with reintegration assistance.