Operation: Colombia
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2017 planning figures | |
88% | of the Colombian legal framework will be consistent with international standards relating to refugees |
60% | of communities prioritized by UNHCR will be profiled on their needs to achieve durable solutions using a rights-based approach |
50% | of participants in leadership/management structures will be female |
85 | refugee and asylum-seeker households will receive cash grants |
50 | projects aiming to benefit local and displaced communities alike will be implemented |
40 | solutions-related projects will benefit both displaced and host communities |
2015 end-year results | |
128 | communities at risk of displacement were supported by UNHCR |
134 | government partners benefited from technical assistance to strengthen their institutional capacity |
182 | refugees and asylum-seekers had access to legal assistance |
107 | asylum-seekers and refugees benefited from a cash-based initiative that provided legal assistance and short-term financial assistance |
6 | refugees were assisted with income generation support, vocational training and Spanish language courses |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Increase in
2015 | 6,941,212 |
2014 | 6,044,552 |
2013 | 5,368,462 |

[["Refugees",226],["Asylum-seekers",115],["IDPs",6939067],["Returned refugees",1792],["Stateless",12]]
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Budgets and Expenditure for Colombia
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Working environment
At the close of four years of intense negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a final peace agreement was signed on 26 September 2016 and put to a nationwide referendum on 2 October 2016. In a surprise outcome, Colombians voted to reject the peace deal, with the no vote leading by a margin of less than 1 percent. A revised peace agreement, mentioning UNHCR’s role in supporting the protection of IDP rights, was announced in mid-November and is expected to be put to a congressional vote before the end of 2016 to start implementation in 2017. UNHCR will closely monitor the situation as it evolves and continue to provide protection and seek solutions for Colombians who are internally displaced or refugees.Displacement inside the country is ongoing, mainly due to new dynamics relating to violence, although numbers have decreased in recent years. Moreover, mixed flows are increasing due to the political and economic situation in other countries in the region.
Key priorities
In 2017, the operation will focus on:- Providing technical assistance to the Government of Colombia to strengthen the national system aiming to protect and guarantee non-repetition of human rights violations linked to displacement. This is achieved by identifying risks and implementing appropriate protective measures in response to the new dynamics of violence;
- Enhancing the self-determination of displaced and host communities during the immediate post-peace agreement phase by using an age, gender and diversity approach and contributing to the meaningful involvement of all groups in the durable solutions process, as well as by building trust between communities and the authorities;
- Advising the government in the design and implementation of rights-based public policies on durable solutions for internally displaced people (IDPs), taking into account their possible return, relocation and local integration. Emphasis will be placed on factors that contribute to local integration in urban settings;
- Mobilizing resources locally to fund solutions for IDPs, which represent nearly 15 per cent of the Colombian population, to ensure that their reintegration into society helps sustain peace.