Operation: Liberia
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2017 planning figures | |
8,000 | returnees will be provided with safe transport |
5,000 | remaining refugees opting for local integration will receive shelter support |
4,000 | women and girls will receive sanitary materials |
400 | individuals with specific needs will receive cash support |
15 | peaceful coexistence projects will be implemented |
2015 end-year results | |
1,114 | Ivoirian refugees returned to their country of origin after the voluntary repatriation operation resumed in December 2015 |
100% | refugees in the camps and in the communities remained Ebola free because strong preventative measures were introduced |
100% | of camp-based people of concern had access to health care and portable water, which was well within acceptable standards |
People of Concern
Decrease in
2015 | 38,058 |
2014 | 40,121 |
2013 | 54,932 |

[["Refugees",36505],["Asylum-seekers",15],["Returned refugees",58],["Stateless",1],["Others of concern",1479]]
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Budgets and Expenditure for Liberia
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Working environment
The 2011 elections in Liberia provided an important basis to establish sustainable democratic governance, national integration and economic development for the country, following the two-decade civil war. The country suffered because of Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak and remained very low on human development index, positioned at 177 out of 188 countries. With the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in Liberia by June 2016, the Liberian population remained concerned about the capacity of the national security forces to adequately maintain law and order in the country.The judicial, legal, health, education, employment and social welfare structures at the local level in Liberia continue to lack capacity, and require considerable support to be able to effectively assist people of concern to UNHCR and Liberian nationals alike. The lack of capacity of key Government structures will impact the rate and level of integration of refugee education and health sectors that have been earmarked for local integration. Considerable financial and capacity building resources will be required from UNHCR for mainstreaming education, health and water and sanitation (WASH).
Key priorities
In 2017, UNHCR’s operation in Liberia will focus on the following areas:• Voluntary return and local integration of Ivorian refugees: UNHCR will assist 8,000 refugees to return to Côte d’Ivoire in 2017, while it is anticipated that around 5,000 refugees may opt to remain and pursue local integration in Liberia;
• In line with its alternatives to camps policy, UNHCR will convert refugee camps into settlements and surrounding communities will have full access to services in these settlements. Health, education and WASH sectors will be mainstreamed using community-based approach for sustainability and peaceful coexistence;
• The prevention of statelessness. The Office will continue to advocate for birth registration, documentation and amendments to nationality laws to prevent and reduce statelessness;
• Continuous registration, verification and update of refugee data will be maintained ensuring that access to territory and civil status documentation is upheld.