Faced with the risk of the Ebola outbreak, UNHCR partners with government efforts and reinforce measures on the field |
![]() | Face au risque de l’épidémie Ebola, l’UNHCR s’associe aux efforts du gouvernement et renforce son dispositif sur le terrain | The Niger Ministry of Public Health has set up a mechanism for the prevention and management of the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease. The mechanism includes the creation of a national Ad Hoc management committee for the epidemic, with UNHCR as a member, and the elaboration of a contingency plan for the prevention of the virus in Niger. To reduce the risk of stigmatization against refugees and the displaced persons (especially those from Nigeria hit by the epidemic), the Ministry of Public Health has adopted a policy of total inclusion of these populations in its approach. In this regard, special attention is paid to the management of information, communication and advocacy. UNHCR has informed the ministry of its full availability to support its efforts in the three regions hosting a large number of refugees and forcibly displaced (Tillabéry, Tahoua and Diffa). This support will be made first through the provision of tents for the isolation centers and through implementation of communication / outreach activities. Meanwhile, UNHCR is currently conducting missions to the three camps and the two refugees hosting areas to establish health and outbreak management committees. During these missions, UNHCR and partner field teams will be updated on the latest developments of the epidemic, on the directives of the Ministry of Health and of the WHO, as well as on the international health regulations. |
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Le ministère de la santé publique du Niger vient de mettre en place un dispositif de prévention et de gestion de l’épidémie de la maladie à virus Ébola. Ce dispositif comprend la création d’un comité national Ad Hoc de gestion de l’épidémie, dont l’UNHCR est membre, et l’élaboration d’un plan d’urgence pour la prévention de l’apparition du virus au Niger. Afin de limiter les risques de stigmatisation des réfugiés et des déplacés (particulièrement ceux venus du Nigeria, pays touché par l’épidémie) le ministère de la santé publique a adopté une démarche d’inclusion totale de ces populations dans le dispositif. A ce titre, une attention particulière est portée sur la gestion de l’information, la communication et la sensibilisation. |

Monsieur Mano Aghali, Ministre de la Santé Publique du Niger, lors d’un point de presse sur le dispositif de prévention et de gestion de l’épidémie de la maladie à virus Ébola. ©OMS