New report: Beyond Technology | Innovation at UNHCR 2015

Download your copy of the new report, Innovation at UNHCR, 2015 to learn about how UNHCR incorporated innovation into its response last year.

The articles featured in the new issue of Innovation at UNHCR include:

Page 4 | 5 myths about humanitarian innovation: The word innovation is rife with confusion, and loaded with misunderstandings. Yet, it doesn’t have to. Here are 5 myths about humanitarian innovation that are not true.

Page 10 | 5 challenges to accessing education for Syrian refugee children: More than half of the 4.8 million refugees who have poured out of Syria are children. Why is providing Syrian refugee children with access to quality education while they await a durable solution so sticky? These are five of the most notable reasons.

Page 28 | Close the feedback loop: Introducing UNHCR’s Emergency Lab: When UNHCR  directly and continually engage affected populations and incorporate their feedback into our emergency response, we strengthen our accountability to them and help them feel better protected. But, achieving this within the constraints of emergency contexts can be challenging. Enter UNHCR’s Emergency Lab.

Page 34 | Staff development: can you teach innovation?: UNHCR staff have been innovating long before doing so had a label. In collaboration with the Innovation Unit,  UNHCR’s Global Learning Center (GLC) are playing a part in this by helping staff to develop their innovation skills and foster a culture that supports them. 




We’re always looking for great stories, ideas, and opinions on innovations that are led by or create  impact for refugees. If you have one to share with us send us an email at

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