At least 17,000 displaced people from the east of the region arrive in Diffa town

UNHCR Field Team registering new arrivals to the town of Diffa, from Bosso, Yebi and Toumour, following recent Boko Haram attacks (UNHCR Diffa)

United Nations agencies, the Regional Directorate of Civil Status and Refugees and NGO partners have been carrying out rapid registrations of displaced persons who continue to arrive to Diffa town, following the eruption of the violence in the south-east part of the region over the weekend. There are currently at least 17,000 people who have been registered, amongst whom at least 2,600 are children. As other groups of displaced continue to arrive in the town, registration activities are ongoing.

The local population of Diffa town is estimated to be around 55,000 inhabitants. The situation and arrival of these people is thus putting extreme pressure on the basic services and infrastructure available. Some displaced people are being hosted by family or relatives in the city, however most of the displaced are settling outdoors in precarious conditions, seeking shade to protect them from the sun and the temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. Even before this massive population movement, a lot of local households in Diffa town were already hosting displaced families from Nigeria.

The majority of the newly displaced communities are coming from Bosso, Yebi and Toumour, east of Diffa town. They are estimated to be at least 50,0000. For this population, the capacity to reach Diffa is also linked with the availability of funds for transportation. In the whole region, the security situation is currently unclear. UNHCR and other humanitarian actors are working closely with the national authorities to develop a joint emergency response both in and outside Diffa town. However, mobility outside Diffa town and in the east part of region is extremely restricted.