For Zinder internally displaced: to stay, to leave or to return

People waiting their turn to go back to Diffa in front of the Zinder Youth and Cultural Center. Photo ©UNHCR/ Ibrahim Abdou

Since 23rd of February, the authorities in Zinder set up an operation to facilitate the return of the displaced population who fled Diffa following the attacks of the beginning of the month. This operation plan echoes the calmer situation and the President’s call encouraging the return of officials and the reopening of public services.

IDPs gather at the Zinder Youth and Cultural Center where a registration mechanism and a free transportation service is being offered. For internally displaced people to stay in Zinder, return to Diffa or to leave for elsewhere are the different options – at least in theory. In reality, the lack of means translates all too often into a lack of real alternatives.

Sahadatou Chiroma, 43 years old, presents herself as the representative of the women of Diffa willing to benefit from the free transport offered by the Governor. Sahadatou explains « Many people have decided to never return to Diffa. For them, insecurity will last. We saw many people going to Maradi and Niamey ». Sahadatou adds « Here, we are left unattended; nothing at all has been done for us. We didn’t see any of the funds the authorities have promised us. A donation from Diffa people living in Niamey to improve our living conditions was sent but it never reached us».

Under these circumstances a return to Diffa is then the only option. But still things aren’t easy: « Many people didn’t manage to register. We spend days under the sun waiting for a bus. Sometimes one bus taking 75 persons arrives, but that’s it. We are waiting since three days. There are not enough buses to allow us to leave without suffering as we are taking care of ourselves and we don’t receive any support». In view of this situation, UNHCR is currently in close contact with the authorities offering the funds for the hiring of more busses for the return movement of the internally displaced population from Zinder to Diffa.

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