Last Updated: Thursday, 05 January 2017, 15:35 GMT

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. Its mission is to undertake research and action focussed on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. Amnesty International has more than a million members and supporters in over 140 countries and territories. It is impartial and independent of any government, political persuasion or religious creed. It is financed largely by subscriptions and donations from its worldwide membership.  Website:
Showing 21-30 of 12,015 results
The Council of Europe's Possible Resort to "Infringement Proceedings" Against Azerbaijan for Failing to Release Ilgar Mammadov is a Test of its Resolve to Right the Wrongs

15 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country Reports

Dominican Republic: President Medina must stop a regressive reform for women's rights

15 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

DRC must rescind order to block social media sites

15 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

Ethiopia Offline: Evidence of Social Media Blocking and Internet Censorship in Ethiopia

14 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country Reports

Syria: Allow UN monitors into Aleppo as fleeing civilians face fresh shelling

14 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

Syria: Reports of execution-style killings in Aleppo point to war crimes

13 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

Turkey: Amnesty International condemns Beşiktaş bombing

13 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

Qatar: Migrant workers still at risk of abuse despite reforms

12 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

Bahrain: Opposition leader condemned to nine years in prison following unfair and arbitrary verdict

12 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

South Africa: Marikana compensation announcement brings justice closer

12 December 2016 | Publisher: Amnesty International | Document type: Country News

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