Talk, or the water will break your heart

Volunteers for 2016 Nansen Refugee Award winners Hellenic Rescue Team share their experience of a traumatic year.

23 Sep 2016

Fear and shortages as Boko Haram displaced return to ruins

Around 70,000 people have found destruction, insecurity and scarcity on arrival in Gwoza, a city liberated earlier this year from militants in northern Nigeria.

23 Sep 2016

Number fleeing Burundi to neighbouring countries tops 300,000

Reception capacities in host countries Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo are severely overstretched, UNHCR warns.

23 Sep 2016

UNHCR saddened by loss of life in boat capsize off Egypt

Egyptian authorities rescue 150 people including Sudanese, Eritreans and Somalis after boat capsizes off Rosetta. At least 42 bodies have reportedly been recovered.

23 Sep 2016

UNHCR welcomes new finance instrument to aid refugees and hosts

The World Bank's Global Concessional Financing Facility (GCFF) will help secure needed financing to support refugees and hosts in middle-income countries.

22 Sep 2016

Mosul offensive triggers growing displacement in Iraq

As a military offensive to retake Iraq's second city gathers momentum, UNHCR prepares to assist hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people.

21 Sep 2016

UNHCR welcomes new support for refugees at Leaders' Summit

UN Refugee Chief Filippo Grandi welcomes significant new backing from the UN Leaders' Summit on Refugees to improve protection and solutions for the forcibly displaced.

20 Sep 2016

Over 300,000 refugees and migrants cross Med so far in 2016

Numbers crossing sea to Europe in first nine months of 2016 are down on last year, but higher than whole of 2014.

20 Sep 2016

UN Summit commits to protect refugee, migrant rights

UN General Assembly Summit for Refugees and Migrants adopts key commitments to safeguard those on the move.

19 Sep 2016