This collection of external links is a directory of organizations dealing with refugee, asylum and human rights topics or provide (country-specific) information otherwise useful for practitioners. The directory contains over 3000 links to relevant internet sources and has been compiled and organized by type of organization, topic/mandate, regions and countries they relate to. This additional service has been provided to facilitate research by providing a mechanism to access information that may be relevant for decision makers and is not as such included in Refworld.
UNHCR is not responsible for the content and availability of non-UNHCR websites. Content displays in a new window.
Amnesty International - Palestinian Authority
Type: Non-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Country Profiles/Information |
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights takes a rights-based approach to the Palestinian refugee issue through research, advocacy and support of community participation in the search for durable solutions. Type: Non-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Refugees / Internally Displaced Persons |
Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)
"The Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), formerly known as the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens Rights (PICCR), is the Palestinian National Human Rights Institution and has full membership in the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC) of the United Nations." (from website) Type: Governmental Organizations | Topic: Human Rights |
Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) - State of Palestine
Type: News/Media Organizations | Topic: Country Profiles/Information |
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) - State of Palestine
Type: Non-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Country Profiles/Information |
International Committee of the Red Cross - The ICRC in Israel and the occupied territories
Type: Non-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Country Profiles/Information |
Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO)
Structured to respond in a rapid, effective and coordinated manner to requests by the parties, the office is mandated to assist in all issues related to the humanitarian situation facing the Palestinian people. In addition, the office supports negotiations and the implementation of political agreements. UNSCO provides a well-recognized focal point within the United Nations system vis-à-vis the parties to the peace process, regional and international actors, and international and multilateral institutions. Type: United Nations | Topic: Military and Peacekeeping |
ReliefWeb - occupied Palestinian territory
Type: Reference Information | Topic: Country Profiles/Information |
UNHCR - Occupied Palestinian Territory
Type: United Nations | Topic: Country Profiles/Information |
United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine
Type: United Nations | Topic: Country Profiles/Information |