This collection of external links is a directory of organizations dealing with refugee, asylum and human rights topics or provide (country-specific) information otherwise useful for practitioners. The directory contains over 3000 links to relevant internet sources and has been compiled and organized by type of organization, topic/mandate, regions and countries they relate to. This additional service has been provided to facilitate research by providing a mechanism to access information that may be relevant for decision makers and is not as such included in Refworld.
UNHCR is not responsible for the content and availability of non-UNHCR websites. Content displays in a new window.
Asylum and Immigration Tribunal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (AIT)
The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (AIT) is a tribunal which hears appeals against decisions made by the Home Secretary and his officials in asylum, immigration and nationality matters. Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Asylum |
Australasian Legal Information Institute: Refugee Review Tribunal of Australia Decisions
The database contains the full text of all published decisions of the Refugee Review Tribunal since December 2004. Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Legal Systems |
Australian Government: Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Legal Systems |
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania
Site in Albanian and English Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Legal Systems |
Council of Europe, Venice Commission: Constitutional Courts (Links)
Links to constitutional courts and equivalent bodies. Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Legal Systems |
Court of Justice of the European Union (CURIA)
Site available in multiple languages. Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Legal Systems |
Court of Justice of the European Union (CURIA): Case-law
Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Legal Systems |
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
Site in English and French Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Human Rights |
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) - HUDOC Database
"The European Court of Human Rights HUDOC Portal is a powerful, user-friendly information system which provides free online access to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Commission of Human Rights and the Committee of Ministers. The judgments, decisions, resolutions and reports of these bodies are held in a database and can be consulted via a sophisticated search screen." (from website) Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Human Rights |
Federal Administrative Court of Germany
Type: Judicial Bodies | Topic: Legal Systems |