Please join us now! You can be a part of the solution and help make sure there is Nobody Left Outside.

The world is witnessing unprecedented numbers of people forced to flee their homes. Driven by the Syria crisis and conflicts in South Sudan, Central African Republic, Burundi and Central America, they are rising every day.

To escape the violence they leave behind everything.

Now, a shelter crisis is unfolding, with millions of families arriving in refugee camps or struggling in sub-standard housing and half-built shelters. We believe all refugees deserve to live in safe shelter. Nobody Left Outside is a global campaign to raise funds to shelter two million people who have been forced to flee their homes.

Only UNHCR has the reach and expertise to tackle this crisis at scale – but we can’t do this alone.

Be a part of the solution and help make sure there is Nobody Left Outside.

Join the Nobody Left Outside campaign now!


Why Shelter

UNHCR research and data shows that millions of people are suffering in desperate living conditions that leave them exposed to both physical and emotional risks and rob them of any chance of a stable future.

When a family has lost everything, providing them with shelter is the first step towards recovery.
You can be a part of the solution by helping us to shelter two million people and ensuring there is Nobody Left Outside.

How we Shelter

The shelter solutions developed and implemented by UNHCR vary to meet the individual needs and to minimise the impact they have on the host community around them.

Whatever the circumstances, UNHCR has to move fast to save lives and, in the long-term, provide shelter support that will help people and families to rebuild.

There are three key phases to UNHCR shelter solutions delivery:

Emergency shelter: saving lives with tents and tarpaulins
Evidence shows that more lives are saved when help comes within the first critical period of a new emergency. UNHCR intervenes within the first 72 hours of a refugee emergency and continues to increase the speed and delivery of life-saving assistance after this point, including emergency shelter.

Transitional housing: protecting people after the emergency
Better shelter solutions are needed when those forced to flee cannot return home for a longer period of time. UNHCR replaces tents with fixed structure shelters or basic houses. Nineteen models of transitional shelters can be made using a variety of materials locally to create the best shelter for the conditions.

Finding home: helping families rebuild their lives
Upon return to an area devastated by conflict or to a house badly damaged, UNHCR provides returning families with a home. The assistance may include construction of a basic house, provision of construction materials or a cash grant. Shelters are designed according to context, culture and local materials available.

Please join us now! You can be a part of the solution and help make sure there is Nobody Left Outside.