Mid-Year Update

1 July 2014

The 2014 Syria Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP6), published in December 2013, brought together more than 155 actors, including host governments, UN agencies, IOM, NGOs, foundations and donors to respond to the protection and assistance needs of Syrian refugees and of the local communities hosting them. This Mid-Year Update describes, by country and sector, the achievements of the inter-agency response to date, the status of the needs and the planned response until the end of 2014, as well as the current funding levels.

With the support of host governments, communities and donors, humanitarian partners have provided protection and assistance to more than 2.8 million Syrian refugees in the five RRP countries. The RRP6 initially projected 4.1 million Syrian refugees in the region by December 2014 and, after a careful review of movements and arrival rates, the revised Syrian refugee population planning figure is 3.59 million people by end 2014.

Based mostly on these changed planning figures, humanitarian actors have reduced budget requirements from US$4.26 billion to US$3.74 billion.

With appreciation to the generosity of governments, private donors, international funds and other institutions and organizations, US$1.1 billion has been mobilized for the Syria regional refugee response.  However, given the magnitude of the crisis, the appeal remains critically underfunded, at just 33% even with the reduced overall appeal.



Syria RRP6 Mid-Year Update

Original Syria RRP6

Syria RRP6


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