iFellow Profile: Natalia Baal

Natalia Baal
JIPS Deputy Coordination
Duty Station: Geneva, Switzerland

“Innovation means a few things to me: Finding solutions to recurring problems; nurturing/supporting new ideas in case they turn out to be good ones; remaining open-minded and not doing things because ‘this is how it’s always done’; and thinking holistically to search for solutions.”

Natalia works as the Deputy for the Joint IDP Profiling Service, an inter-agency service based in Geneva. She is interested in bridging the gap between the humanitarian and development spheres. Additionally, she enjoys challenging environments where she is able to work in groups – pinpointing great ideas and developing new projects.

Project: Creating a Common Language in Transitional Situations

In protracted situations of displacement, there is an amorphous space in which families and communities need both humanitarian assistance and development support. In such contexts, coordination and collaboration between humanitarian and development actors and approaches become necessary. However, many obstacles exist and challenge the potential impact on the populations of concern. This project will seek to create the first steps in a process towards a common language between humanitarian and development actors working in transitional situations.


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