
Last updated 30 Jun 2016
Source - Government, UNHCR

Nom du lieu Source Data date Population
Gambia Government, UNHCR 30 Jun 2016


Country of origin Source Data date Population
Autres Government, UNHCR 30 Jun 2016
Côte d'Ivoire Government, UNHCR 30 Jun 2016
Dem. Rep. of the Congo Government, UNHCR 30 Jun 2016
Liberia Government, UNHCR 30 Jun 2016
Senegal Government, UNHCR 30 Jun 2016
Sierra Leone Government, UNHCR 30 Jun 2016



  • Télécharger

    West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 17 November 2016

    West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 17 November 2016
    Date de publication: 17 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 18 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 8 November 2016

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update
    Date de publication: 8 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 9 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 31 October 2016

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 31 October 2016
    Date de publication: 31 October 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 2 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    West Africa Seasonal Monitor October 25, 2016

    West Africa Seasonal Monitor October 25, 2016
    Date de publication: 27 October 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 27 October 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Gambia Factsheet July-September

    Date de publication: 30 September 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 9 December 2016 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Télécharger

    West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 17 November 2016

    West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 17 November 2016
    Date de publication: 17 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 18 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 8 November 2016

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update
    Date de publication: 8 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 9 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 31 October 2016

    UNHCR West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 31 October 2016
    Date de publication: 31 October 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 2 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Gambia Factsheet July-September

    Date de publication: 30 September 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 9 December 2016 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Gambia Factsheet Jan_March 2016

    Date de publication: 31 March 2016 (il y a 8 mois)
    Créé: 9 December 2016 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel

    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel
    Date de publication: 16 September 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
    Créé: 16 September 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Global Presence

    UNHCR Presence map
    Date de publication: 4 July 2016 (il y a 5 mois)
    Créé: 23 August 2016 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Africa - UNHCR Presence

    UNHCR Presence map
    Date de publication: 3 May 2016 (il y a 7 mois)
    Créé: 23 August 2016 (il y a 4 mois)
  • Télécharger

    Impact Evaluations on the Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations

    Synthesis Report of the Joint WFP and UNHCR Impact Evaluations
    Date de publication: 18 January 2013 (il y a 3 ans)
    Créé: 4 November 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Télécharger

    West Africa Seasonal Monitor October 25, 2016

    West Africa Seasonal Monitor October 25, 2016
    Date de publication: 27 October 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 27 October 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
  •   La crise des Réfugiés dans les médias


    Liberian government grants nationality to former Liberian refugees at risk of statelessness

    UNHCR, 04 Nov 2016

    “Identity document is important, identity document is life” To prevent former Liberian refugees in West Africa from becoming stateless, the Liberian government has been conducting re-assesment missions of those at risk of statelessness in countries where they have sought asylum. DAKAR, SENEGAL... Lire plus


    UNHCR commemorates 2 years of the #IBelong campaign to eradicate global statelessness

    UNHCR, 27 Oct 2016

    DAKAR, SENEGAL, 27 October 2016 (UNHCR) – Significant progress has been made to eradicate statelessness around the world, but ongoing conflicts are putting those advances at risk. Marking the second anniversary of the global #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, ... Lire plus


    Plight of persons without nationality, 08 Oct 2016

    The UNHCR and ECOWAS recently signed an MoU to improve the protection environment for stateless persons. Pierre is eighteen years old. He was born to Burkinabe parents in Ghana. He was not registered at birth and neither were his parents. An orphan with no nationality, Pierre is stateless. Whi... Lire plus


    World Refugee Day Commemorated

    Daily Observer, 07 Oct 2016

    The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The Gambia Food and Nutrition Association (GAFNA) and the refugee communities in the Gambia recently commemorated the World Refugee Day at a ceremony held at Sibanor village in Bintang Karanai Distr... Lire plus


    Refugee Community Extols Government for Hospitality

    Daily Observer, 05 Oct 2016

    The refugee communities living in The Gambia have expressed their appreciation and satisfaction to the Government for creating the conducive environment and support in the areas of health, education amongst, other sectors. “We want to thank the Government under the leadership of President Jammeh ... Lire plus


    US Embassy Gives D3.6M Grants to Communities, Refugees

    Daily Observer, 22 Sep 2016

    The Embassy of the United States in The Gambia on Wednesday held the signing ceremony of D3.6 million grants meant for local communities and refugees centres in the country. Of the total amount, D2.5 million is earmarked for ten communities across the country, and the remaining D1.1 million is me... Lire plus


    UNHCR West Africa
    Facebook page of UNHCR West Africa
    UNHCR West Africa Statelessness
    Facebook page of UNHCR West Africa Statelessness
    Voices of Refugees in West and Central Africa


    Non disponible
    Non disponible
    Croissance PIB
    Non disponible
    Niveau de revenus
    Low income
    Gini index
    Non disponible
    Non disponible
    Source -  Worldbank