
Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 30366

  • Emigrantes e população ajudam a construir hospital em Bigene

    news Abola, 22 Dec 2016 (il y a 7 jours )
    A população e «filhos» da vila de Bigene residentes fora da Guiné-Bissau estão a contribuir para a construção de um hospital na localidade e que vai servir cerca de 160 mil pessoas no norte do país. Ibu Camará, presidente da Afaibu (Associação de Filhos e Amigos de Bigene) disse à agência Lusa que...
  • Mali : Mariages précoces au Mali : Ces chiffres qui font froid dans le dos

    news Le Combat, 22 Dec 2016 (il y a 7 jours )
    Toutes les deux secondes, une fille est mariée dans le monde, avant même d’avoir atteint la maturité physique ou émotionnelle requise pour devenir épouse et mère. Le Mali n’échappe pas à ce phénomène contre lequel l’ONG internationale Save the Children et ses partenaires comme la Coalition malien...
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    Burundi Regional Refugee Response Plan 2017

    January - December 2017
    Date de publication: 22 December 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
    Créé: 22 December 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
  • Filippo Grandi: “Data is at the heart of good decision-making”

    news UNHCR, 22 Dec 2016 (il y a 7 jours )
    On 12 December 2016, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, visited Diffa region in Niger. Here, the forcibly displaced population is spread across more than 100 sites in a stretch of arable land along the border with Nigeria. He used the opportunity to highlight the importance of da...
  • Rotary Cluble Bissau beneficia 60 milhões de dólares para a promoção de saúde e agricultura

    news Conosaba, 21 Dec 2016 (il y a 8 jours )
    Sob o lema: "Dar de si antes de pensar em si". O Rotary Clube Bissau beneficiou de sessenta milhões de dólares americanos dos parceiros internacionais para a recuperação das bolanhas de Biombo, construção de um centro de maternidade em Bigene e no Hospital Nacional Simão Mendes de Bissau.Adiantou es...
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    Mali Situation Funding Update 08 December 2016

    Funding Update
    Date de publication: 20 December 2016 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2016 (il y a 8 jours)
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    ZIM Relocation Factsheet - Population Information Update 20-Dec-2016

    Information population statistics and profile of PoC relocated from Chipinge District to Tongogara camp - Zimbabwe
    Date de publication: 20 December 2016 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2016 (il y a 8 jours)
  • Since December 9, Government of Zimbabwe and UNHCR have relocated 628 PoC from the border areas of Chipinge District to Tongogara camp. They all have been bio-metrically registered and provided with proof of registration together with the 17 Mozambican who arrived spontaneously.
    highlight 20 Dec 2016 (il y a 9 jours)
    Mozambique Zimbabwe / Mozambique - Asylum-seekers Zimbabwe / Mozambique - Asylum-seekers
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    UNHCR Mali Operational Update - November 2016

    Operational Update
    Date de publication: 20 December 2016 (il y a 9 jours)
    Créé: 15 December 2016 (il y a 13 jours)
  • UNHCR and Government of Malawi registered 107 new arrivals in 40 families from Mozambique between 5 and 9 December, 2016. The majority comes from Ncondedzi and Ndande villages in Moatize district, Tete Province. A total number of 3,007 asylum seekers are currently in Luwani Refugee Camp.
    highlight 15 Dec 2016 (il y a 14 jours)
    Malawi Mozambique / Mozambique - Asylum-seekers Malawi / Mozambique - Asylum-seekers