UN refugee chief highlights key role for peacemakers

Filippo Grandi congratulates Colombian President on Nobel Peace Prize win and welcomes recommendation of António Guterres to role as world's top peacemaker.

7 Oct 2016

Volunteers who saved lives on Lesvos nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Two volunteers who spent 2015 helping refugees and migrants on the Greek island of Lesvos honoured with Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

7 Oct 2016

Freed from Boko Haram, Nigerians still need help

Some children are malnourished and many families have nowhere safe to sleep amid lack of basic supplies and services in areas recaptured from insurgents.

7 Oct 2016

UNHCR's Volker Türk says solidarity 'essential' to refugee protection

Addressing UNHCR's annual Executive Committee meeting, protection chief highlights the need for multilateralism to protect refugees effectively.

5 Oct 2016

Greek volunteers receive UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award

Joint winners the Hellenic Rescue Team and Efi Latsoudi of PIKPA village on Lesvos presented with humanitarian award at ceremony in Geneva.

3 Oct 2016

UN chiefs call for greater solidarity with forcibly displaced

Speaking at UNHCR's annual Executive Committee meeting, UN leaders urge countries to transcend national interests to curb large-scale suffering.

3 Oct 2016

Q&A: The New York Declaration is a 'once in a lifetime chance' for refugees

UNHCR's protection chief, Volker Türk, says commitments adopted at UN Summit will revolutionize the international community's engagement with refugees and migrants.

30 Sep 2016

100,000 fearful civilians trapped in South Sudan town

Civilians seeking safety from raids flee to Yei, joining tens of thousands there with no means to leave as military operations continue.

30 Sep 2016

Survivors tell of fights over lifejackets as boat flipped off Egypt

In interviews with UNHCR, survivors recall their horror as a trawler that smugglers packed with up to 500 people capsized, claiming at least 202 lives.

30 Sep 2016