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  • UNHCRは雇用・採用に関するいかなる過程(出願、面接、選考、研修等)においても料金を請求することはありません。また、UNHCRは「電子メールによる面接」を行なうこともありません。

  • 雇用や求人のオファーの際に料金の支払いを要求することはありません。多くの場合、料金請求は被害者が偽の仕事のオファーを受託した後に発生しています。

  • UNHCRは銀行口座に関する情報を求めることはありません。料金の支払いや口座情報の請求がある場合はすべて拒否し、警察に通報の上UNHCRにご連絡ください。

  • UNHCRは、懸賞、賞金、公債、株券、奨学金のオファーをすること、又は電子メールや郵便物、ファクシミリ等を通じて抽選を行うことはありません。また、報酬を支払って外部の団体や個人に調達業務の委託を行うこともありません。



日本では、国連難民高等弁務官事務所 (UNHCR) の公式支援窓口である特定非営利活動法人国連UNHCR協会がUNHCR駐日事務所と協力して、広報・募金活動を行っています。国連UNHCR協会は、ご支援をお願いするお手紙をお送りしたり、街頭キャンペーン、ウェブバナー、お電話等でご支援を呼びかけています。国連UNHCR協会の活動については、以下の国連UNHCR協会ホームページをご覧ください(。または、03−3499−2450にお問い合わせください。




Warning - Confidence Schemes and Scams

May 2013

Fraudulent activities by third parties 

UNHCR is aware of various schemesseeking to extract money from unaware individuals through appealing for assistance, offering employment opportunities, or contracts, among others.  Such schemes are fraudulent.

The schemes may consist of letters, sent either via e-mail, fax, or regular mail, or web sites, which appear as proposals emanating from people purporting to be officials of the UN or UNHCR. The letters and websites may be made to look like they originate from the UN or UNHCR. For example, they may contain official-looking UN or UNHCR stationery, including the UN or UNHCR emblem and/or the words "United Nations" or “United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”, as well as e-mail or web site addresses.  Such use of UNHCR name and emblem is unauthorized and illegal.

Extreme caution should be exercised in relation to any suspicious communication as financial loss and identity theft could result from the sending of money or personal information to those issuing such fraudulent correspondence.

Any transfer of money or personal information to those issuing such fraudulent correspondence can result in a substantial financial loss and/or identity theft. UNHCR is not responsible for any such loss or theft.

Please be aware that new schemes are appearing with increasing frequency.

Please be aware that:

  • UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training or any other fees).Convocations to e-mail interviews are fraudulent. UNHCR does not conduct interviews via e-mail.
  • Offers of employment or job openings with requests for payment of fees are fraudulent.The scammers' request for the payment of fees may come only after you have accepted the fraudulent offer.
  • UNHCR does not concern itself with information on bank accounts. Any requests for such payment or information should be refused and reported to local law enforcement authorities for appropriate action and to UNHCR for its information.
  • UNHCR does not offer prizes, awards, funds, certificates, scholarships or conduct lotteries through e-mail, mail or fax, nor does it conduct its procurement process through external entities or individuals on a commission basis. 

If you become aware of such fraudulent schemes, please inform UNHCR as well as the local law enforcement authorities for their appropriate action.  
Thank you for your attention and cooperation

UNHCR Representation in Japan

Japan Association for UNHCR
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) works closely with the Japan Association for UNHCR, which is UNHCR’s official private sector fund-raising partner. In cooperation with UNHCR, Japan Association for UNHCR carries out public information and fundraising activities, sends out letters asking for public support, conducts street campaigns, submits web banners, and implements telephone fundraising activities.
For more information on Japan Association for UNHCR, please visit the following web page ( or call the telephone number: 03−3499−2450.


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