
France suffered deadly attacks in January and November 2015 and July 2016, with the November attacks prompting a nationwide state of emergency reinforced and extended by parliament until the beginning of 2017. Government powers to conduct searches without a warrant and to place people under house arrest without a judicial approval undermine the rights to liberty, security, freedom of movement, privacy, and freedoms of association and expression. The government failed to pursue necessary reforms to counter abusive identity checks, including ethnic profiling. Migrant Roma living in informal camps are forcibly evicted. Reports of Islamophobic and anti-Semitic attacks increased. Migrants and asylum seekers in Calais face police abuse. Counterterrorism measures introduced in November 2014 infringe disproportionately the rights to free movement and to free expression. Further new legislation from July 2015 gives the government sweeping powers for digital surveillance without adequate safeguards against abuse.