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‘Dear Santa, give my gift to a Syrian boy who has nothing’

Publisher: Somerset Guardian
Story date: 22/12/2015
Language: English

A young Paulton boy has written a heartwarming letter to Father Christmas, in support of Syrian children who are in crisis.

Five-year-old Finlay Niemand asked for one of his presents this year to go to "a Syrian boy who has nothing".

His mother Kim is a supporter of the charity ActionAid which works with women and children on the Greek island of Lesbos.

Kim made a donation to ActionAid's Christmas Appeal and in response the charity sent a couple of toys to go to its mother and baby centre.

This will allow young children to play while their mums get some much needed rest and support.

The charity's head of humanitarian response, Mike Noyes, said: "The refugee crisis has been one of the biggest news stories of the year and touched many people in one way or another.

"Finlay's heart-warming letter to Santa is quite simply a lovely story of a young child's compassion at a time when compassion is needed most.

"This year thousands of child refugees have been forced to flee their country with their families and very few belongings, they arrive in Greece scared, vulnerable and without a safe home.

"On the Greek island of Lesbos, ActionAid has set up two mum and baby centres, a safe space where refugee women can breastfeed in private and are given essential supplies like nappies and wipes.

"With Finlay's donation, we bought some small toys for the centre, so that young children can play while their mums get some much needed rest and support. This was an opportunity to help give young children an attempt at some normality during what is such a difficult time.

"While ActionAid's work in Greece continues to focus on meeting the immediate needs of the most vulnerable refugees, we are incredibly grateful to Finlay and his family for sparing a thought for some of the world's most vulnerable children this Christmas.

"We ask that anyone else hoping to help homeless children consider donating to our Christmas appeal."

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