علامة  Population Group - / Central African Republic - Refugees  

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WHO heightens health response to cholera outbreak in CAR, 10 August 2016
10 Aug 2016
UN: Ban appoints deputy UN envoy in Central African Republic
26 Jul 2016
UN: Ban appoints deputy UN envoy in Central African Republic
26 Jul 2016
A UN peacekeeper of the MINUSCA force in the Central African Republic killed by non-identified armed individuals. Tensions are generally increasing again in CAR
23 Jun 2016
Un soldat de la MINUSCA tué en République centrafricaine par des individus armés non-identifiés. Généralement, les tensions regagnent de l'intensité en RCA
23 Jun 2016
CAR: Deadly clashes in the North opposing groups of Fula cattler farmers and armed men originating from the ex-Seleka rebellion; 16 fatalities (Le Monde Afrique
21 Jun 2016


Open Data for Central African Republic
Déplacés internes
Shelter and NFI Cluster - CAR
New Videos on Child Protection
The Child Protection Working Group has produced a series of short and accessible videos on the Child Protection Minimum Standards. Further videos on “Dangers and injuries,” “Physical violence and other harmful practices” and “Justice for children” as well as further translations are coming soon. Dates of live webinars to introduce the series will be announced soon.