
Refugees and asylum-seekers sign up to offer warm welcome in Germany

A German program is encouraging refugees and asylum-seekers to volunteer their time and welcome fellow new arrivals.

5 Oct 2016

Mother's dedication inspires 20-year-old to academic success in Turkey

A bomb killed her mother in the family's café in Aleppo. Now Fatima is studying civil engineering with ambitions to move further up the academic ladder.

4 Oct 2016

Luhansk residents struggle to resume normal life after Ukraine conflict

Almost a year after an official ceasefire was announced, there is still sporadic shooting and killings on both sides.

2 Oct 2016

2016 Nansen Award winner pays her respects to refugees lost at sea

Efi Latsoudi, joint winner of this year's Nansen Refugee Award, has worked hard to provide Muslim refugees who have died at sea with proper burials in Greece.

29 Sep 2016

Unaccompanied children in Calais cultivate a world away from home

A centre for young refugees in Saint-Omer offers shelter and protection, as well as the chance to enjoy being children again.

27 Sep 2016

Volunteer refugee teacher steps up to fill gaps in camp schooling

Veteran Sudanese educator launches his own learning centre to give young refugees lessons in English – and peace – at Ethiopian camp.

27 Sep 2016

As beloved imam passes, his hopes for peace live on

For decades, Imam Moussa Bawa worked with Italian nun Sister Maria Concetta to help refugees of all faiths to live in peace. On his death, his successor pledges to continue his work.

21 Sep 2016

Somali student proves it's never too late to learn in Malaysia

Nawa first stepped into a classroom at age 16, but caught up quickly. Now 20, she is getting ready for university and setting an example for other refugees.

15 Sep 2016

At a Kenyan refugee camp, girls learn to beat the odds

Only one girl in 10 makes it to high school at Kakuma, but that's no deterrent for this South Sudanese student with high ambitions.

15 Sep 2016