
Last updated 01 Sep 2016
* Household data may be unavailable for some locations.
Source - UNHCR, Government


Nom du lieu Source Data date Population
Nairobi UNHCR, Government 1 Sep 2016
North Eastern UNHCR, Government 1 Sep 2016
Rift Valley UNHCR, Government 1 Sep 2016


Country of origin Source Data date Population
Dem. Rep. of the Congo UNHCR, Government 1 Sep 2016
Somalia UNHCR, Government 31 Aug 2016
South Sudan UNHCR, Government 31 Jul 2016


  • Kenya Kakuma Camp population 2016-09-30

    Date de publication: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
    Date de Création: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
  • Kenya Kakuma Camp population 2016-09-30

    Date de publication: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
    Date de Création: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
  • Kakuma Weekly New Registration Population Trend 18th - 24th Sep. 2016

    Date de publication: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
    Date de Création: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
  • Kakuma Camp Population_Statistics20160925

    Date de publication: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
    Date de Création: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
  • Kakuma Weekly New Registration Population Trend 11th - 17th Sep. 2016

    Date de publication: 19 September 2016 (il y a 14 jours)
    Date de Création: 19 September 2016 (il y a 14 jours)
  • Kenya Kakuma Camp population 2016-09-30

    Date de publication: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
    Date de Création: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
  • Kakuma Weekly New Registration Population Trend 18th - 24th Sep. 2016

    Date de publication: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
    Date de Création: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
  • Kakuma Camp Population_Statistics20160925

    Date de publication: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
    Date de Création: 25 September 2016 (il y a 7 jours)
  • Kakuma Weekly New Registration Population Trend 11th - 17th Sep. 2016

    Date de publication: 19 September 2016 (il y a 14 jours)
    Date de Création: 19 September 2016 (il y a 14 jours)
  • Kakuma Camp Population Statistics_20160918

    Date de publication: 19 September 2016 (il y a 14 jours)
    Date de Création: 19 September 2016 (il y a 14 jours)
  • South Sudan Situation Update #1

    South Sudan Situation Update #1
    Date de publication: 16 September 2016 (il y a 17 jours)
    Date de Création: 16 September 2016 (il y a 17 jours)
  • South Sudan Situation Update #1

    South Sudan Situation Update #1
    Date de publication: 16 September 2016 (il y a 17 jours)
    Date de Création: 16 September 2016 (il y a 17 jours)
  • Kakuma Monthly Operational Update - July 2016

    Kakuma Monthly Operational Update - July 2016
    Date de publication: 12 August 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Date de Création: 12 August 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • UNHCR Kenya Fact-sheet - June 2016

    UNHCR Kenya Fact-sheet - June 2016
    Date de publication: 21 July 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
    Date de Création: 21 July 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
  • Kenya Fact-sheet - May 2016

    Kenya Fact-sheet - May 2016
    Date de publication: 27 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
    Date de Création: 27 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Kenya Fact-sheet - May 2016

    Kenya Fact-sheet - May 2016
    Date de publication: 27 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
    Date de Création: 27 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
  • UNHCR Global Presence

    UNHCR Presence map
    Date de publication: 4 July 2016 (il y a 2 mois)
    Date de Création: 23 August 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Africa - UNHCR Presence

    UNHCR Presence map
    Date de publication: 3 May 2016 (il y a 5 mois)
    Date de Création: 23 August 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • Info-graphics on Refugees and Asylum seekers in Kenya - January 2016

    Info-graphics on Refugees and Asylum seekers in Kenya - January 2016
    Date de publication: 16 February 2016 (il y a 7 mois)
    Date de Création: 16 February 2016 (il y a 7 mois)
  • UNHCR Kenya Info-graphics on refugees and asylum seekers - October 2015

    UNHCR Kenya Info-graphics on refugees and asylum seekers - October 2015
    Date de publication: 10 November 2015 (il y a 10 mois)
    Date de Création: 10 November 2015 (il y a 10 mois)
  • UNHCR Kenya registered refugees and asylum seekers statistics map

    UNHCR Kenya registered refugees and asylum seekers statistics map
    Date de publication: 11 July 2014 (il y a 2 ans)
    Date de Création: 11 July 2014 (il y a 2 ans)
  • UNHCR Kenya Fact-sheet - April 2015

    UNHCR Kenya Fact-sheet - April 2015
    Date de publication: 11 May 2015 (il y a 1 an)
    Date de Création: 11 May 2015 (il y a 1 an)
  • UNHCR- WFP Joint Assessment Mission ( JAM ) to Dadaab and Kakuma - June & July 2014 - Final Report

    UNHCR- WFP Joint Assessment Mission ( JAM ) to Dadaab and Kakuma - June & July 2014 - Final Report
    Date de publication: 9 October 2014 (il y a 1 an)
    Date de Création: 9 October 2014 (il y a 1 an)
  • Core Relief Items - Dadaab

    Date de publication: 27 September 2011 (il y a 5 ans)
    Date de Création: 27 September 2011 (il y a 5 ans)
  • In-Kind Donations - Dadaab

    Date de publication: 27 September 2011 (il y a 5 ans)
    Date de Création: 27 September 2011 (il y a 5 ans)
  • Kenya Kakuma Camp population 2016-09-30

    Date de publication: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
    Date de Création: 2 October 2016 (il y a 1 jour)
  • Kenya Dadaab Camp Population 2016-08-31

    Kenya Dadaab Camp Population 2016-08-31
    Date de publication: 8 September 2016 (il y a 24 jours)
    Date de Création: 8 September 2016 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Kenya Kakuma Camp population 2016-08-31

    Date de publication: 1 September 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
    Date de Création: 1 September 2016 (il y a 1 mois)
  • KENYA - Urban Demographic Statistics - 31-May-2016

    Date de publication: 17 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
    Date de Création: 17 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
  • Dadaab Population Statistics_31 May 2016

    Date de publication: 11 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
    Date de Création: 11 June 2016 (il y a 3 mois)
  •   La crise des Réfugiés dans les médias


    Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation, Ms. Isabella Lövin, visited Dadaab Refugee Camps

    Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation, Ms. Isabella Lövin, visited Dadaab Refugee Camps. The Minister was accompanied by a high level delegation from the Government of Sweden, officials from the Government of Kenya and UNHCR Country R, 19 May 2016

    Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation, Ms. Isabella Lövin, visited Dadaab Refugee Camps. The Minister was accompanied by a high level delegation from the Government of Sweden, officials from the Government of Kenya and UNHCR Country Representatives to Kenya and Somalia. Ms. Löv... Lire plus


    Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation, Ms. Isabella Lövin, visited Dadaab Refugee Camps

    UNHCR, 19 May 2016

    Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation, Ms. Isabella Lövin, visited Dadaab Refugee Camps. The Minister was accompanied by a high level delegation from the Government of Sweden, officials from the Government of Kenya and UNHCR Country Representatives to Kenya and Somalia. Ms. Löv... Lire plus


    116 Somali refugees return from Dadaab camps to Mogadishu, spearheading new phase of voluntary repatriation, 05 Aug 2015

    The arrival at Mogadishu International Airport today of 116 Somali refugees from Kenya marks a new chapter in the voluntary return process. Earlier in the morning, the two planes took off from Dadaab in Northeastern Kenya, the largest refugee settlement in the world, still hosting 333,000 Somali ref... Lire plus


    Kenya: MSF forced to close Dadaab health posts and evacuate staff amid escalating insecurity

    MSF, 28 May 2015

    As violence and threats in the northeastern province of Kenya escalate, international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has evacuated 42 of its staff from Dadaab refugee camps to Nairobi. The precautionary measure has already had a direct impact on MSF’s ability to provide much-nee... Lire plus


    High Commissioner Guterres wraps up visit to Kenya and Somalia to discuss the future of the Dadaab refugee camps

    UNHCR, 09 May 2015

    UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres last night completed a visit to Kenya and Somalia where he met with the Presidents of the two countries, as well as Somali refugees and returnees. Speaking in Nairobi Mr. Guterres said, "We reached a common understanding with the Presidents of K... Lire plus


    en, sw
    569,140 km2
    63,398,041,540 USD
    Croissance PIB
    Niveau de revenus
    Lower middle income
    Gini index
    Non disponible


    UNHCR in collaboration with Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and TdH conducted in 2nd half of April a mass campaign targeting enrolment of children out of school
    19 May 2016
    WFP and UNHCR are preparing for Bamba Chakul - an electronic cash transfer systerm. 10% of distributed cereal rations to be converted into food vouchers.
    18 Sep 2015
    Total number of returnees assisted under the voluntary return process to date: 4,108
    15 Sep 2015
    Ministry of Health declared the end of the Cholera outbreak in Dadaab refugee camps. Last positive case recorded on 16 July. Close monitoring continues.
    10 Sep 2015
    Ministry of Health declared the end of the Cholera outbreak in Dadaab refugee camps. Last positive case recorded on 16 July. Close monitoring continues.
    10 Sep 2015
    Ministry of Health declared the end of the Cholera outbreak in Dadaab refugee camps. Last positive case recorded on 16 July. Close monitoring continues.
    10 Sep 2015