
All Refugees
Last updated 31 Aug 2016
* Household data may be unavailable for some locations.
Source - Government of Uganda, UNHCR, Government, RIMS, MIDIMAR, SRCS

   All Refugees by sublocation

Location name Source Data date Population
Hoima 31 Aug 2016
Isingiro Government of Uganda, UNHCR, Government, RIMS, MIDIMAR 31 Aug 2016
Kamwenge 31 Aug 2016
Kiryandongo UNHCR, Government, SRCS 31 Aug 2016
Kyegegwa UNHCR, Government, RIMS, MIDIMAR 30 Aug 2016

   All Refugees by Origin

Country of origin Source Data date Population
Burundi Government of Uganda, UNHCR, Government, RIMS, MIDIMAR, SRCS 30 Aug 2016
Dem. Rep. of the Congo Government of Uganda, UNHCR, Government, RIMS, MIDIMAR, SRCS 31 Aug 2016
South Sudan Government of Uganda, UNHCR, Government, RIMS, MIDIMAR, SRCS 30 Aug 2016

   Latest Documents

  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 06 -11 November 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 06 -11 November 2015
    Publish date: 13 November 2015 (10 months ago)
    Upload date: 13 November 2015 (10 months ago)
  • Uganda Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 27 October, 2015

    Uganda Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 27 October, 2015
    Publish date: 2 November 2015 (11 months ago)
    Upload date: 2 November 2015 (11 months ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 16 -22 October, 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 16 -22 October, 2015
    Publish date: 26 October 2015 (11 months ago)
    Upload date: 26 October 2015 (11 months ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 02 -08 October, 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 02 -08 October, 2015
    Publish date: 9 October 2015 (11 months ago)
    Upload date: 9 October 2015 (11 months ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 18 - 22 September, 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 18 - 22 September, 2015
    Publish date: 29 September 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 29 September 2015 (1 year ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 06 -11 November 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 06 -11 November 2015
    Publish date: 13 November 2015 (10 months ago)
    Upload date: 13 November 2015 (10 months ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 16 -22 October, 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 16 -22 October, 2015
    Publish date: 26 October 2015 (11 months ago)
    Upload date: 26 October 2015 (11 months ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 02 -08 October, 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 02 -08 October, 2015
    Publish date: 9 October 2015 (11 months ago)
    Upload date: 9 October 2015 (11 months ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 18 - 22 September, 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 18 - 22 September, 2015
    Publish date: 29 September 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 29 September 2015 (1 year ago)
  • UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 21 - 27 August 2015

    UNHCR Uganda operational update for the Burundi emergency 21 - 27 August 2015
    Publish date: 31 August 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 31 August 2015 (1 year ago)
  • Uganda Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 27 October, 2015

    Uganda Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 27 October, 2015
    Publish date: 2 November 2015 (11 months ago)
    Upload date: 2 November 2015 (11 months ago)
  • Uganda Indicators - August 2015

    Uganda Indicators - August 2015
    Publish date: 14 September 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 14 September 2015 (1 year ago)
  • Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 30 July 2015

    Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 30 July 2015
    Publish date: 31 July 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 31 July 2015 (1 year ago)
  • Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 25 June 2015

    Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 25 June 2015
    Publish date: 25 June 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 25 June 2015 (1 year ago)
  • 01_ Uganda Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 18 June 2015

    01_ Uganda Burundi Situation Info-graph and Statistics 18 June 2015
    Publish date: 23 June 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 23 June 2015 (1 year ago)
  • Uganda South-Westren location of UNHCR presence, refugee locations and entry points

    Uganda South-Westren location of UNHCR presence, refugee locations and entry points
    Publish date: 31 August 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 31 August 2015 (1 year ago)
  • 04 Uganda - Burundi Inter-agency meeting and contingency plan 13 August,2015

    04 Uganda - Burundi Inter-agency meeting and contingency plan 13 August,2015
    Publish date: 24 August 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 24 August 2015 (1 year ago)
  • Burundi influx emergency assessment meeting 05th June,2015

    Burundi influx emergency assessment meeting 05th June,2015
    Publish date: 29 June 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 29 June 2015 (1 year ago)
  •   News


    Deputy High Commissioner Kelly T. Clements was in Uganda from 14-16 November for her first visit to Africa since joining the UN Refugee Agency in July 2015.

    UNHCR, 19 Nov 2015

    Clements was given a first-hand look at the refugee situation in Uganda, a country which is now host to more than half a million refugees. She was accompanied by Ugandan Commissioner for Refugees David Apollo Kazungu, UNHCR Africa Bureau Director Valentin Tapsoba and UNHCR Representative in Uganda ... Read more


    en, sw
    200,520 km2
    26,369,242,278 USD
    GDP growth
    Income level
    Low income
    Gini index
    Literacy rate


    A total of 18,807 Burundian refugees have been received in Uganda since the onset of the influx.
    13 Jan 2016
    The Head of Offic and the Peace Advisor in the Resident Coordinator’s Office Kampala, visited Nakivale refugee settlement.
    01 Oct 2015
    A total of 921 individuals are residing at Kabazana Reception Centre.
    23 Sep 2015
    The CERF has approved a funding request coordinated by UNHCR for the Burundi emergency response. towards protection, health, and shelter and non-food items.
    05 Aug 2015
