UN Secretary General says more help needed for Syrian refugees

Ban Ki-moon joins UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi at a one-day conference in Geneva to call for more options for 4.8 million Syrian refugees.

30 Mar 2016

UNHCR: 1 in 10 Syrian refugees will need resettling

High-level conference highlights need to generate substantial increase in resettlement and other answers for Syrian refugees over the next three years.

29 Mar 2016

Food insecurity drives more South Sudanese to Sudan

Hunger and unrest have driven some 38,000 people into East and South Darfur since end of January.

29 Mar 2016

For Yemenis in war-torn Taizz, survival a struggle

After a year of war, Yemeni families in Taizz face severe shortages including food, drinking water and fuel.

24 Mar 2016

Walking and collecting, Yemeni keeps hopes alive in exile

A passionate walker and coin collector before war drove him from Yemen, refugee now hikes to find objects for a "curiosity museum."

23 Mar 2016

For displaced Syrian hairdresser, a chance to start over

UNHCR small business grant programme aims to give 400 displaced people within Syria a chance to start over this year.

23 Mar 2016

UNHCR chief in Canada hails PM's leadership in global affairs

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi welcomes Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's humanitarian leadership in resettling Syrian refugees.

22 Mar 2016

After tumult of war, deaf Syrian family finds peace in Canada

When deaf teenager Mohamad was shot in the neck, his family fled for their lives. Now they are starting over in Canada.

21 Mar 2016

Malian singer named UNHCR Regional Goodwill Ambassador

Singer-songwriter Rokia Traoré has been named as a UNHCR Regional Goodwill Ambassador for West and Central Africa.

21 Mar 2016