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Rebuild lives of refugees



     "UNHCR has twice won the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1954 and 1981."     


Please choose amount
(23.33 THB/day)

“People with Disability”

  • Physical Rehabilitation and improve facilities such as walkways and latrines to cater to their special needs.
  • Self-Reliance Provide training  on livelihoods skills such as agriculture or repairing equipment, and create self-help group.
  • Special classroom helps children with disabilities to gain physical strength and develop their mind.
(16.67 THB/day)

“Elderly People”

  • Resettlement Elderly people are part of 80,000 refugees UNHCR helped resettle to third countries. Many of them have been reunited with their family members.
  • Agricultural Project More than 200 refugees participated in these projects. Special attention was paid to identifying female heads of household, people with disabilities and the elderly.

Min.13.33 Baht per day or 400 Baht per month to help refugees to the fullest extent.

THB/month(Minimum 400 THB/month )
Min.13.33 Baht per day or 400 Baht per month to reduce administrative cost to the lowest level and direct funds towards helping refugees to the fullest extent.


  • Stop Violence Against Women Educate and empower women to protect them against physical and psychological violence.
  • Vocational Training especially for single mothers to be able to take care of their children and family.
  • Sanitary Kit for all 44,000women and girls in reproductive age in nine camps.
Please choose amount

“People with Disability”

  • Physical Rehabilitation and improve facilities such as walkways and latrines to cater to their special needs. 
  • Self-Reliance Provide training  on livelihoods skills such as agriculture or repairing equipment, and create self-help group.
  • Special classroom helps children with disabilities to gain physical strength and develop their mind.

“Elderly People”

  • Resettlement Elderly people are part of 80,000 refugees UNHCR helped resettle to third countries. Many of them have been reunited with their family members.
  • Agricultural Project More than 200 refugees participated in these projects. Special attention was paid to identifying female heads of household, people with disabilities and the elderly.

*Minimum 500 Baht to help refugees to the fullest extent.

THB(Minimum 500 THB )
Minimum 500 THB to reduce administrative cost to the lowest level and direct funds towards helping refugees to the fullest extent.


  • Stop Violence Against Women Educate and empower women to protect them against physical and psychological violence.
  • Vocational Training especially for single mothers to be able to take care of their children and family.
  • Sanitary Kit for all 44,000 women and girls in reproductive age in nine camps.
Donor Details
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First Name*
Last Name*
Format: 2016-10-03
Mobile Phone
Format: 66-891112222

To SMS/MMS confirm your donation

Where did you know about us
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Secure Online Donation
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Name on credit card (Capital)*
Name on debit card (Capital)*
Issuing bank*
Issuing bank*
Credit card no*
Debit card no*
Expiry date*



Donate via Bank Transfer or ATM

  • Bangkok Bank: Account Number 201-055599-9
  • SCB : Account Number 004-225859-6
  • KBank: Account Number 030-2-88804-3

Thank You! After the transfer, please send copy of transfer slip with your contact details (Name, Mobile phone and Email) for us to send you the Thank you letter and report on how your donation is used at or via Fax no. 02-280-5555



Donate via Paysbuy



"I have had the privilege to meet and work alongside UN Refugee Agency staff in some of the most remote inhospitable areas of the world. The dedication and commitment of these colleagues day in and day out to help refugees is an inspiration."


Angelina Jolie, UNHCR Special Envoy and donor since 2001



Angelina Jolie, UNHCR Special Envoy and donor since 2001