Amoa’s Story,Ghana

Photo by P. Folley/2014.
Amoa N’doua Therese is a 46-year-old woman living in Ampain camp, one of the largest camps hosting Ivorian refugees in Ghana. She came to Ghana in 2011 in the heat of the Ivorian crisis.
“I used to live in Youpougon and watched on television, the scenes from the war which started in Abobo, another suburb of Abidjan. I had young children who were traumatized by all the disturbing scenes they kept seeing on television about the war. Then later the war spread to Abobo where we lived and there were the noise of gunshots all over the place. With my three children along with other nephews and nieces (eight in number), we fled to Ghana for safety.”

Photo by P. Folley/2014.
“I had a well-stocked shop in Cote d’Ivoire where I used to sell shoes and children’s clothing- you can see the photos of my shop back home. Now all of that has been left behind and I am trying to start life again. I got information while in Ghana that my shop has been broken into and looted. With the small money I was able to carry along to Ghana, I have started a small cosmetic store in the camp. Business is not that great in a camp setting. However, I am able to at least support my family with it and hoping for a brighter future”.