Mislaidy’s Story, Colombia

Photo by Mislaidy Reyes/2014.
Mislaidy tells us her story in the below video:
“My name is Mislaidy Reyes. I am Cuban. I left Cuba in June 17, 2007. I arrived in Colombia on June 27. We were 15 who left on a boat. We were sailing for 7 days, so 3 days sailing and 4 adrift. We were picked up by a ship. We arrived in Cartagena, were we solicited refugee status. And following that, Pastoral Social came to assist us. We stayed there for a week; they offered to bring us to the city [Bogota] for our papers, and well – now I have all my papers. I am doing well here; everything has been fine until now. I can work now wherever I am capable of working, and well I’m fine. I am happy to be here in Colombia.”