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UNHCR warns South Sudanese refugees need urgent aid
Press TV, 26/07/2016
An estimated 26000 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Uganda following political tensions and armed conflict in their country. The United Nations refugee officials say more people are arriving in Uganda on a daily basis while the country has difficulty providing them with ample food and shelter....
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UN: Tens of thousands fleeing violence in South Sudan
Deutsche Welle, 24/07/2016
Over 26,000 South Sudanese refugees displaced by violence crossed the border into Uganda this month, reported the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) on Friday. "Since fighting erupted on July 7 … 26,468 people have crossed into Uganda's northern region," UN refugee agency spokesman Andreas Needham wrote in a statement. He added that 24,321 of the refugees had arrived in the previous six days alone. Despite an uneasy peace in South Sudan's capitial, Juba, the number of people arriving at reception centers has continued, the UN official said, adding that 90 percent of the new arrivals are women and children. The UNHCR noted that the influx is "severely stretching the capacity of collection points, transit centers and reception centers." One of the collection points, noted the spokesman, is so full that a head count is not possible. Fighting erupted in early July betwe...
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South Sudan fighting sees more refugees fleeing into Uganda than in the first 6 months of 2016
UNHCR, 26/07/2016
Fighting in South Sudan that broke out on 8 July between rival factions loyal to Salva Kiir and Riek Machar has to date forced 37,491 people to flee the country to Uganda. To put this in context: In the past three weeks there have been more refugee arrivals in Uganda than in the entire first six months of 2016 (33,838). Yesterday (25 July) an estimated 2,442 refugees were received in Uganda from South Sudan. 1,213 crossed at the Elugu Border Point in Amuru, 247 in Moyo, 57 in Lamwo, and 370 in Oraba. Another 555 were received in Kiryandongo Settlement. The majority of arrivals – more than 90 per cent are women and children. People are coming from South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria region, as well as Juba and other areas of the country. Inside South Sudan the intensity of the violence has subsided since early July, but the security situation remains volatile. The new arrivals in U...
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Over 26,000 people flee to Uganda to escape uncertainty in South Sudan
UNHCR, 22/07/2016
housands of people continue to flee uncertainty and fighting in South Sudan. Since fighting erupted on July 7 between forces loyal to President Kiir and First Vice President Machar, 26,468 people have crossed into Uganda’s northern region, including 24,321 in the previous six days alone. The influx continues to be characterised by a high proportion of women and children (more than 90%). Yesterday, an estimated 8,337 refugees crossed in to Uganda from South Sudan, a new record high since the influx began and in 2016. An estimated 6,500 crossed in Elegu, 659 in Moyo, 156 in Lamwo and 642 in Oraba while 380 arrived in Kiryandongo Reception Centre. The influx is severely stretching the capacity of collection points, transit centres and reception centres. Elegu collection point is full to the extent that it is not possible conduct a head count. New arrivals figures in Elegu are base...
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Thousands flee to Uganda after South Sudan flare-up
UNHCR, 19/07/2016
Nearly 3,000 people fleeing the latest flare-up in South Sudan crossed into Uganda over the weekend and more are expected while tension remains high in the region, the UN refugee agency said today. On Friday and Saturday, 1,326 South Sudanese entered Uganda and a further 1,633 on Sunday. This brought the total of those who have fled across the border since the violence began on July 7 to 5,015. The average daily rate before Friday was 233. More than 90 per cent of the new arrivals were women and children under 18. UNHCR spokesperson Leo Dobbs told a press briefing in Geneva that more than 90 per cent of the new arrivals were women and children under 18. A fragile ceasefire has held since last Monday, but the United Nations has warned of the possibility of fresh fighting in the capital, Juba. The 200-km Juba-Nimule road linking Juba to Uganda had been cleared of checkpoints...
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Agencies launch revised appeal for South Sudan refugees amid concerns the numbers could pass the 1 million mark this year
UNHCR, 15/07/2016
The population of South Sudanese refugees in the region could pass the 1 million mark this year if cross-border displacement trends continue, according to Ann Encontre, Regional Refugee Coordinator for the South Sudan situation. Launching the revised appeal of USD 701 million in Nairobi today, Encontre expressed concerns about the likelihood of fresh outflows of refugees in the wake of the recent military crisis in Juba and the dearth of funding for South Sudanese refugees. “We have received 17% of the initial USD 638 million that we had appealed for this year,” she said. “This has forced us to prioritize emergency response and life-saving activities, at the expense of critical water, sanitation, hygiene, health and shelter interventions for refugees. "Although children constitute 70% of the refugee population, child protection activities including in the education...
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A Joyful Graduation Ceremony for Refugees in North Uganda
NRC, 15/06/2016
On three consecutive bright mornings in June 2016, South Sudanese refugee and host community youth, with a great deal of excitement, flocked to their respective vocational skill training sites in Nyumanzi, Ayilo II and Ocea. Some of them wore gowns fashioned by their friends in the tailoring class and looked just like Makerere graduates. A six month journey had culminated in their graduating from short-term courses in one of eight different skills that included bakery and catering, electronics, hair dressing and saloon management, tailoring and garment cutting, brick laying and concrete practice, poultry, horticulture, and carpentry and joinery. The joyful graduation ceremonies took place on 7th, 8th and 10th June in Nyumanzi, Ayilo II and Ocea respectively, under the theme ‘Skilling Youth for Sustainable Livelihood’. In total, 485 trainees of whom 305 (63% females) completed the...
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South Sudanese refugees adapt to a new life in Kiryandongo
NTV , 05/01/2016
South Sudanese refugees adapt to a new life in Kiryandongo. Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement is bursting at the seams, with the authorities saying they are overwhelmed as refugees continuously flee war in South Sudan. There seems to be no end in sight for war that broke out in December 2013 in Uganda’s northern neighbour. The head of the refugee settlement told NTV that the looming drought remains a key challenge, with the population now standing at 54,000. For the past three months, the settlement has received an average of 123 people daily. Sheila Nduhukire filed this report from the settlement...
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Regional emergencies push Uganda's refugee hosting to breaking point
UNHCR, 21/12/2015
KAMPALA, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) – Three emergencies in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and South Sudan have push the number of refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda to astronomical levels, forcing the east African country to look up to donors for support. Uganda is currently host to 510,973 refugees and asylum-seekers (as of Dec. 10), making it the third largest refugee hosting country in the region after Ethiopia and Kenya, and the eighth largest in the world, UN Refugee Agency figures show. This is the biggest number of refugees and asylum seekers the country has hosted in its history. The main countries of origin for refugees and asylum seekers are Burundi, DR Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan. A new global report released on Friday by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) shows that the increasing number ...
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Kiryandongo School where pupils are taught in five languages
New Vision News , 19/10/2015
By Eddie Ssejjoba Teachers at Conram Primary School located in Kiryandongo Refugee Resettlement have to use five different languages to communicate to pupils who come from different dialects and nationalities. The school has 3,120 pupils, making it one of the most highly populated in the country; with majority of the pupils are from the Nuer and Dinka tribes in South Sudan. Others come from DR Congo, Kenya and Tanzania. Most of the children do not understand English, with majority of mature age pupils studying in lower classes. The speech by the Right Rev. Fr. Francis Banura of the Holy Family Katukire Parish was last week halted when the Nuer pupils complained that they could not understand the translation from English to Dinka language. The pupils raised their voices asking for a Nuer interpreter as well, but the school administration asked...
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