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The British Football Premier League comes to Kakuma
UNHCR, 07/04/2016
Premier Skills, a joint football program by the English Premier League and the British Council was in Kakuma from 21 to 23 March. The mission led by the Director of the British Council Kenya office met sports coaches from refugee and host community and conducted training sessions with them. They also distributed kits and discussed with UNHCR and partners ways of supporting sports. The program uses football to address social issues in communities and empower youth in the process. the trainings were conducted by Paul Hughes, one of the head coaches of the Premier Skills program....
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Talented refugees in Kenya showcase their artwork at a UNHCR Nairobi Exhibition
UNHCR, 10/11/2015
On the occasion of launching an arts livelihood project for refugees in Kenya, over 50 artists mainly from Dadaab and Kakuma camps exhibited their artwork at the Alliance Française in Nairobi, from 4th to 6th November 2015. This first ever exhibition organized by UNHCR and its partner FilmAid earnestly began with a panel discussion involving select artists, their Kenyan mentees, UNHCR and FilmAid. It was attended by thousands of people including officials from the Government of Kenya, foreign embassies, Kenyan artists, students, and the general public. Intricately handcrafted sculptures and paintings were displayed. Cultural dance groups from Kakuma refugee camp performed exciting Somali, Sudanese and Burundian dances. Ambassadors and other dignitaries who spoke during the launch expressed their support for the project. UNHCR’s Representative in Kenya said that the exh...
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"United Drama for Peace" project launched in Kakuma
UNHCR, 14/10/2015
United Drama for Peace, a group of refugee youth drawn together by their love for theatre and drama has taken ‪in Kakuma‬ Camp by storm. The youth who come from various nationalities started the drama club in 2013 to promote peaceful coexistence in the camp through community theatre. They have been holding live performances in the various communities across the camp and spreading peace messages through theater arts, music and dance every weekend. Earlier in the year, the group was recognized by the Global UNHCR Youth Initiative Fund for submitting a winning proposal on how to tackle protection concerns through community theatre. They are now using their unique and laudable initiative to bring the more than 15 communities living in the camp together and promote peace in the camp and with the local Turkana host community. “Peace starts with me - Join us to promote peace!"...
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"Clowns without Borders" performed in Kakuma for 3 weeks
UNHCR, 04/09/2015
A team from Clowns without Borders USA is in Kakuma for three weeks (18 days). The NGO has partnered with UNHCR for the first time in Kenya, to bring the new initiative to the camp and entertain refugee children through live performances and trainings on circus arts and theatre. Clowns without Borders uses the power of laughter to spread joy and happiness around the world, especially in areas where people have endured suffering, trauma and distress as a result of war, conflict and other emergencies. Thousands of children will benefit from the therapy that pure comedy, circus arts and laughter provides....
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Rapper Octopizzo - partner of "Artists for Refugees project" - launched his new album in Nairobi
UNHCR, 11/08/2015
On Saturday 8th August, the famous rapper Octopizzo launched his new album in Nairobi at the KICC ( Kenyatta International Conference Center), attended by a large crowd of youngsters as well as representatives of UN Agencies, UNHCR Country Director, the American Ambassador, and other humanitarian organizations. Among the different shows a team of eight talented artists from Kakuma refugee camp and local host community expressed their talent on the stage through dances and vocal performances. These artists are part of the unique livelihoods project "Artists for Refugees" aimed to nurture talents among refugees youth and host community, through mentorship and capacity building through art,music,culture and sports. The rapper Octopizzo is one of the main partners and enthusiastic support of the project in both Kakuma and Dadaab. ...
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Commemorations of the World Refugee Day 2015 in Kakuma
UNHCR, 26/06/2015
On 20 June, Kakuma was the epicenter of World Refugee Day celebrations for the UNHCR operation in Kenya. The event, whose theme for this year was ‘Get to Know Refugees – People Like You and Me,’ was attended by thousands of refugees including the host community, National and County government officials, UNHCR staff and staff from other UN and humanitarian agencies and members of the diplomatic corps. The event was marked by colorful performances by refugees and host community members. There were elaborate exhibits of cultural cuisine, dress, songs and dances from over 15 nationalities that make up the camp’s population. The highlight of the event was the announcement by UNHCR Kenya Representative, Raouf Mazou of Ger Duany as a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador. The former South Sudanese refugee and now accomplished actor based in the United States, has been one of UNHCR’s high profile ...
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United Drama Kakuma youth group kick off their project.
UNHCR, 15/05/2015
On 11th May, the group "United Drama Kakuma" who won the global youth initiatives funds kicked started their project by having a training on Community Theater and Filming. The group is composed by different nationalities including representatives of the host community. The training will help them to write their own play and film to promote peaceful co-existence in the community....
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"Artists for Refugees" project launched in Kakuma
UNHCR, 24/04/2015
“Artistes for Refugees” - a livelihoods project funded by UNHCR was officially launched on 20 April with the arrival of Henry Ohanga (commonly known as Octoppizzo), a leading rap musician in the country and Victor Ndula, a respected illustration artist/journalist. The two artistes arrived in Kakuma to kick start the year-long project which aims to promote and nurture talents among refugee youths through the Arts. They have started conducting workshops for refugee artistes with potential in music, cultural arts, journalism, photography and fine art. The main outcome of the project will be to enhance livelihood opportunities for refugee artists who will be expected to continue training other refugees in the camp in order to build their capacity. Ultimately, this will improve their access to alternative livelihood opportunities...
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International Women Day celebrated in Kakuma
UNHCR, 13/03/2015
On 7 March 2015, refugee women led UNHCR and partner agencies to mark International Women’s Day. The event which is celebrated globally on 8 March was themed “Make It Happen” and was marked with lots of colorful performances. The Day is a celebration of women’s strength and achievements and an occasion to review how far women have come in their struggle for equality, peace and development. The various speakers and performances underscored the importance of empowering the girl child and women to become pillars in society....
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Excellent performance at school of refugees students in Kakuma
UNHCR, 19/01/2015
The 2014 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results released by the Ministry of Education showed very encouraging performance by refugee candidates in Kakuma with schools registering above average mean score of 259 out of 500. Of the 1,467 candidates who sat the exam, 1300(340 female, 960 male) attained above 200 marks which is the required transition marks to secondary schools. This represents a high pass rate of 87.5% which is above the national average of 78%. The best candidate, a girl from Angelina Jolie program scored 418 marks out of 500 marks, a performance that is also the best in the whole of Turkana West Sub-county....
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