Ben Stiller’s meeting with refugee and asylum seeking families
All Photos: UNHCR/Jordi Matas
“What struck me most about the refugees I met, is that they are just trying to move forward in their lives and provide for their families. It’s hard to imagine their situation – being totally displaced by the literal destruction of their homes and livelihoods by war, having to put their children’s lives in the hands of illegal traffickers and get on an overcrowded boat to try to reach Europe because there is no other way to reach safety. Yet despite all that has happened to them, they are focusing in a very practical way on the future, especially the future of their children.” Ben Stiller said.
24 Feb 2016
Iran: Education for Afghan refugees
All Photos: UNHCR/Sebastian Rich
In Iran, Afghan refugee children, whether they are registered or not, can attend public schools.
In this school in Varamin 700 students are separated into four grades, where Afghan students study in the same class as their Iranian peers. The city hosts 130,000 Afghan students.
20 Nov 2015
UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award 2015
Asifi fled from Kabul in 1992 with her young family. They found refuge in the desolate Kot Chandana refugee village in the south-eastern Punjab province of Pakistan. Adjusting from life in a capital city and working as a teacher, to living in a dusty refugee village was difficult. She was especially struck by the total absence of schools for girls.
It took time but eventually Asifi was allowed to start a small school under a tent. Over the years the school expanded and received the hard-won backing of community elders. Asifi’s dedication has helped guide more than 1,000 girls through to the eighth grade and encouraged more schools to open in the village. Another 1,500 young people (900 girls, 650 boys) are enrolled in six schools throughout the refugee village today.
16 Sep 2015
Kenya: Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp
All Photos: © UNHCR/Benjamin Loyseau
Kakuma Refugee Camp is located in northwestern region of Kenya.
26 Aug 2015