stephen dwyer's profile photoOlga Levin's profile photoHarvey Jearld's profile photoAyub Zakaria's profile photo
Nothing more Ugly than rich people telling someone else s story to massage their own egos. Its funny I cant remember Jolie campaigning against the US lead wars that cause the plight that negotiates the flight from these peoples homelands. She is a pornographer of poverty
+Mark Freeman
As someone who was a refugee from eastern Europe back in the late 80's, I can tell you right now, those people have no voice. Their voices get drowned by politicians who promise too much and do too little or nothing, or they get attacked in their own homelands. I applaud her for using her status to speak up for the voiceless.
+Mark Freeman You know what is uglier? I posted a comment here about how funny it is that everyone forgets Angelina was a heroin addict, who had sex with her own brother in incest and also passionately kissed him at the awards show, used to wear blood viles around her neck, had orgies with multiple men and women, cut herself and showed young girls it's cool to do all this. No one in this life (without the money of Brangelina) goes from having such acute mental health issues and having incest, being addicted to narcotics to then one day just be accepted in the world wide arena without shame and giving advice to world leaders on world, financial and political issues. What a sham! Its vile that she can look anyone in the eye doing this. God these hollywood kids really live in a self serving world where there is no repercussions for the lives they live when it's time to want to be a saint.
My comment was deleted off this page not only 10 minutes after I posted. We live in a world where if you have money you can make your whole ugly real past just vanish in a vain attempt to make people believe you never did all this and were Mother Theresa. Disgusting. What's more disgusting is that Angelina and Brad Pitt have a new brand of wine that is for sale for RRP $48.00 in stores now, called Brangelina. I wonder how much money of the sale of this wine goes to the Maltese Government to help with the overburden of this crises they are suffering. All props to you Angelina, removing comments that show the real you..you're all over it girl! You are making governments look evil if they can't afford your dream of mass migration, you have no ideas on how to make a future once they settle in the country; at best you are another hollywood celeb with a camera, taking photos and going on line to get the PR but really, you live in mansions in France and USA, you make and sell your own wine, you make movies where you have brutal rape sex scenes and you are pro drugs. You are certainly no role model of this young girl here, you are self serving trying to shed some of the guilt you feel for being as rich as you and brad are when people are dying everywhere. Why didn't you donate ALL proceeds from some of your movies to these countries so that they can actually provide a future for refugees instead of your solution of just dumping them there and walking away once they are accepted in with no care of the aftermath of what happens to them. They should tell all University Students doing degrees and masters in Human Services no to bother, do some porn, pash your brother, make ridiculous movies and marry a hollywood hunk and degree nothing, you will be the ruler of the world! SICK
+Fare Maiden And how do you know exactly that she had sex with her own brother? 
+Olga Levin are you kidding? do you forget Angelina circa 2000? Read any of her self confessed interviews back then? Or just another sheep that forgets that people don't fundamentally change? Look I hate the fact that in this world, if this was any old person on the street, sins of the kind she was involved in rarely get forgiven or forgotten for the common person; if you have money instantly everyone forgets and you can buy a whole new person for yourself when the time is fitting, ie; your getting to old to portray the young, messed up, self cutting, drug addicted, sexy, bisexual, orgy loving train wreck in hollywood, so you choose another avenue; being the saint now. Doing good things is one thing, but the majority of the people in this world would get zero credit (Drs without Borders etc) and drug addicts or sex addicts generally get shamed until death for the things Angelina does. I also found it interesting out of all the comments I made about her past (fact) you could only find one issue. I guess orgies, herion, self mutilation with knives is normal?
+Fare Maiden Point out to me where she even mentioned that she sleeps with her own brother. I don't recall reading anything in the papers, or mags, or even seeing it anywhere on the news claiming that she had sex with her own brother.
Even if she did, I couldn't care less. Those people have witnessed horrible disasters and have suffered great losses but even if they survive the Mediterranean Sea they arrive on a continent where most of the inhabitans don't want them to stay. Few people in Europe understand what's happening at our most southern border, one of the deadliest borders in the world, by the way. So, if Angelina Jolie speaks up for those people it's the opposite of ugly. I don't quite understand how those widespead deaths at the hands of the European Union have anything to do with Jolie's private life.
+Olga Levin You filthy scum niggers don't belong in white countrys you are a disgrace to decent jewish people like me you must be a coal burner and love black cock
+stephen dwyer Dude! It might help putting that crack pipe down and go get a high school diploma. I have a perfectly Eastern European name which should also indicate to you what my race is you damn fucktard!
Each state over in America can be considered as foreign territory. Uniform commercial code is non uniformed 
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