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UNHCR supports Nooruz celebrations in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Having completed the construction of emergency transitional shelters and provision of humanitarian relief aid in the South of Kyrgyzstan, UNHCR now focuses on restoring communication and confidence between communities and with authorities. As part of the peace building activities, UNHCR supported several affected communities in Osh and Jalalabad region to organize Nooruz celebrations. In total, cultural and sport events, supported by UNHCR, were attended by more than 2,000 people from 20 villages in Jalalabad province and several thousand residents of 10 districts in Osh. People from various communities took an active part in preparation of the events. They said following the outbreak of the communal violence in June last year, they still live in fear and attempts to restore relations between communities needed. Events in various areas showed different level of people's preparedness towards reconciliation: heavily affected areas with high number of damage and casualties are still much traumatized and slowly coming forward. Local authorities were very supportive in organizing Nooruz events, aimed at involvement of various communities.
