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UNHCR and Commission on Human Rights present the Special report for universities

UNHCR and the Kazakhstan Commission on Human Rights under the President of the Republic introduced, through a series of joint presentations, a Special Report "On the situation concerning the rights of oralmans, stateless persons and refugees in the Republic of Kazakhstan" to the leading Kazakhstan public opinion makers and universities.

UNHCR Regional Representative/Regional Coordinator for Central Asia, Mr. Saber Azam and Mr. Kuanysh Sultanov, Chairman of the Kazakhstan Commission on Human Rights introduced the report in Almaty at the Agrarian University to a group of high government officials as well as political, economic and civil society leaders. It was later on presented to the students of the KIMEP University and Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU).

The main aim of presentations, initiated by UNHCR, was to familiarize local leaders and students of law and law-related specialities of main universities with the contents and recommendations of the Special Report. Students were interested in the refugee status and living conditions in the country. Law department students discussed international refugee law and compliance of the National Refugee Law of Kazakhstan with international standards. They were also keen on the recommendations of the Kazakhstan Commission on Human Rights about travel documents, extension of the refugee status, and improvement of the social and economic conditions.

"I would also like to draw the attention of opinion makers and students to the important issue of statelessness, described in details in this Special Report. In Kazakhstan, the number of stateless people differs from one Ministry to another. One of the recommendations of the report in this regard is to conduct registration of undocumented persons in the country. In order to prevent statelessness and promote its reduction, it is recommended to accede to the 1954 and 1961 Conventions on statelessness, ratify them and adjust national legislation and operating procedures to international standards and practice. UNHCR appreciates the content and recommendations of the report and hopes that a detailed Action Plan will soon be developed by the government for the implementation of its recommendations. UNHCR stands ready to support by all means" - said Mr. Saber Azam.

"I am very glad that we have these presentations Almaty, particularly in the leading universities, because I do believe that today's topics will become a thorough research tomorrow, promoting protection and respect of rights of refugees and stateless people" - added Regional Representative.

Presentations were delivered during October, 2012.

