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Feeling at Home: Central Asian refugees celebrate Nawruz

Nawruz ("new day") celebration has already started in Central Asia, allowing refugees to forget the challenges and feel like all being together at home.

On March 18, refugees and asylum seekers gathered in Almaty, Kazakhstan to celebrate the forth-coming holiday, which marks New Year in Central Asia. It is the equinox and the first day of spring. It is an age-old celebration of human solidarity, unity and cultural expression observed in all countries of Central Asia.

More than 80 refugees and asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China came to a special event for Nawruz, organized by UNHCR implementing partner, the International Association of Social Projects (IASP). While children played and painted, refugees and asylum seekers had the opportunity to ask questions on the issues they face with the UNHR and partner staff who were on hand. After the official function was over, children and youth took the floor for cultural performances. Refugees proved once more how many talented people are among them - excellent singers from Afghanistan, dancers from Uzbekistan, poets from Kyrgyzstan. All of them devoted their songs, dances and poems to their homeland, mothers, grandmothers, sisters and brothers left behind. Relatives, who were not able to flee from persecution, but hope to join the family one day. A special part of celebration included traditional Nawruz food, cooked and brought by refugees themselves. The participants were able to taste food from all corners of Central Asia. Together, they celebrated this special day, which allowed refugees and asylum seekers to forget their problems and mark the holiday as they used to do at home.

"I remember how we were celebrating this holiday at home, starting to cook several days before the holiday. Going to relatives homes and accepting them at our house was an integral part of celebrations. At this important holiday I was feeling as I were at home" - said one of the Afghan refugee woman, sharing her special Afghan recipe of the special Nawruz kozhe dish for celebration*. Nawruz being the holiday which brings all the countries together, cherishes cultural traditions, and highlights the beauty of spring. It also marks renovation, giving hope to refugees that the spring will bring changes for the better in their lives.

A recipe for the Nawruz food from Afghan refugees:

Nawruz dishes are named differently in each of the Central Asian counties. For instance, “Nawruz kozhe” is the name of a special dish in Kazakhstan, which is called “sumalak” - in Uzbek.
Below is a recipe which was shared by one of the refugee women.
You will need:
7 types of dried fruits
-    Raisins
-    Dried apricots (two types, one with seeds, the other seedless)
-    Pistachio
-    Almonds
-    Walnuts
-    Dates
All the ingredients need to be cleaned ad shelled, all seeds removed. Cleaned ingredients should be put into water, and kept for one week. When Nawruz comes, the family tastes the very first glass of the sweet dish and eats the fruits. Later the sumalak is given to all the relatives and friends who come to visit the family.
Happy Nawruz!

