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UNHCR opened a computer center for refugees and asylum seekers

On December 19, 2012- the Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ) in Kazakhstan organized the opening ceremony of a Computer Center for refugees and asylum seekers. This Center was opened within the framework of the Community Technology Access (CTA) program, in collaboration with UNHCR's new implementing partner in Kazakhstan, the International Association of Social Projects (IASP). The Center is equipped with 15 workstations, having access to Internet and will be opened to all refugees and asylum seekers residing in Kazakhstan.

The CTA program aims to promote and enhance education and livelihood opportunities for refugees, asylum-seekers and other vulnerable groups of people through free access to technology, computer literacy and vocational training. More than 50 refugee children and their parents came to take part in the opening ceremony.

"This Computer Center is a reflection of UNHCR's Participatory Assessment, conducted annually and aiming at exploring the demands of refugees. During 2011 assessment, it was underlined that refugees and asylum seekers have limited access to Internet. Now, with the opening of the Computer Center, they will be given an opportunity to learn and search for different opportunities, including accommodation, education and other issues. Moreover, refugees and asylum seekers will be given training on computer literacy. They will also learn about online training possibilities in different domains. This will certainly increase their chances for future employment"- said Mr. Saber Azam, UNHCR Regional Representative/Regional Coordinator for Central Asia during the opening ceremony.

Community Technology Access program was initiated by UNHCR in 2008 worldwide in collaboration with HP and Microsoft companies. In Kazakhstan the program was launched in September 2012.

