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Title/DescriptionPromoting access to employment opportunities
CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Costa Rica
Actors/PartnersACAI, ACNUR, Organizaciones Privadas
FundingPublic » 
Funding (detail)Embajada EEUU
Objectif(s)To integrate refugees to the local labor market of Costa Rica by facilitating access to specific employment projects that promote self-sufficiency and job stability.

- In five months of implementation, the program provided attention to some 120 individuals, some 80 CVs were prepared and five basic job courses on job seeking for the Costa Rican market were taught;

-  Seven private companies receive CVs of the refugee population;

- The program has an active relationship with government offices: The Ministry of Labor has committed to sending vacancies which can be filled by refugees; an agreement with the National Learning Institute (INA) for technical and vocational training for refugees is being drafted;

- The establishment of cooperation with Manpower. This company has offered training in job hunting skills for refugees; they send weekly open positions that are distributed amongst the refugee population;

- In spite of the cultural, language and administrative difficulties, three refugees from different continents have obtained formal employment based on the personalized attention offered in the project;

- Ten people will enter an internship program where they can opt for jobs in the services sector, with the possibility of being hired at the end of the internship period

Sensitivity to gender issues is built into the project design and, has created an opportunity for 20 female family heads, where INA will offer a workshop for the search of a vocation in Costa Rica and an analysis of the possibilities to get a job on that vocation;

- Over 65 individuals have been directly or indirectly referred to companies, more than 20 have been interviewed and seven have been hired. In addition, 80 individuals have received diverse training courses. The numbers will increase during the following four months.

Why is this considered a Good practice?- The Employment Opportunities Area is an opportunity for refugees to look for their first job, which can be a daunting task if one is not familiar with the job market, the culture and work options. - The project has raised awareness with big companies in the public and private sectors regarding the condition of refugees (specifically, Barceló and Best Western hotels, Hotel Costa Rica, Subway and Denny’s restaurants, Price Smart, Wal-Mart, Megasuper, Toyota motor company and Banco Nacional); - The impact of the program can be measured through its sustainability since it facilitates the self-sufficiency of the refugees away from the institutions that provide follow-up to them, such as ACAI; - The program is simultaneously a quick-impact project (people are directly referred to work opportunities) as well as a long term strategy by establishing lasting relationships with strategic companies and institutions; - The program has diversified the work of UNHCR and its implementing partners in the area of durable solutions since it means the creation of an integration channel to economic independence; - The program has strengthened the relationships with government offices that are key to the integration of refugee population.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentNot applicable » 
Theme (s)Microfinance » Income Generation » 



Relevant filesTYPO3_Logo_Guide_v3_04.pdf206 K

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