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Central Asian states working on finding solutions for refugees in the framework of the Almaty Process

September 22, Astana, KAZAKHSTAN- Today, participants of the Second Senior Officials meeting of Almaty Process explored opportunities of labour markets as solution for refugees’ problems. They discussed the importance of inclusion of refugees into the migration policies of the countries for promoting their self-reliance.
As UNHCR stated at the meeting, solutions for refugees can be found by states through development of such migrations policies that enhance their access to labour markets and encourage labour mobility, which have been already tested as an effective solution for refugees worldwide in the past and present.

Refugees come to the asylum countries, having professional skills and knowledge. Being included into the labour markets, they can make valuable contributions for the benefit of the receiving societies. By giving access to the labour markets, countries will allow refugees to help themselves and reduce any burden on the societies in which they find themselves.

The Chairman of the Almaty Process, HE Birzhan Nurymbetov of the Republic of Kazakhstan, highlighted the importance of using the platform of Almaty Process to identify opportunities in migration policy to improve the lives of migrants and refugees, and to the benefit of host societies.

As Bernard Doyle, UNHCR Regional Representative said, “Central Asian countries have substantial capacities and opportunities and host a relatively small number of refugees. Thus, countries of Central Asia have a unique opportunity to provide leadership and show the wider world a pathway for solutions to refugee problems”.

UNHCR closely works with the governments of the region on finding solutions for refugees, including within the Almaty Process, which was operationalized in 2011. The Almaty Process is a regional platform to address challenges resulting from complex migration in Central Asia, to ensure international protection for asylum seekers and refugees, who flee from wars, conflicts and persecution and in need of international protection.

Almaty Process allows governments of the region and neighbouring countries to maintain regional dialogue and exchange of information on refugee issues.  Almaty Declaration, adopted in 2011, captures the importance of developing migration policies and legal frameworks for refugees, as effective means to protect the rights of persons on the move, provide solutions for refugees as well as to preserve State´s interests.

During the meeting UNHCR underlined its commitment to support the Governments of Central Asia in continuation of efforts to find solutions for refugees.
